Friday, April 12, 2024

Walking in this World Week 6 and 7...

So, it doesn't seem I'm getting as much out of this book as I did the Artists Way.  
Haven't found too much inspiration or "ah-ha" moments.  So I'm going to start combining the last part into 2 weeks per blog.  I took last week off since I was in a one night show and we rehearsed every night of the week.  One thing I have learned from The Artists Way and this book is I need to not over do it and not get mad at myself for not.  I knew it'd be too much - so a week off.

But back at it for Week 6.
This week was Discovering a Sense of Boundaries.  This is something that's been hard for me, and I'm working on setting up boundaries and not trying to hard to please/take care of everyone else.

It talks of basically sabotaging a creative project you've worked on and how can you get back to it.  I've never really done that actually.  So it was challenging to answer the questions.  The only thing I came up with was maybe resurrecting my Craft Nights I used to host.  Although I do have my little adventure group, so not sure if anyone would even be down now adays.

Another area talks about making sure you have privacy with your art.  Whether that be places or time, etc.  We were supposed to come up with 10.  I came up with 6.
1 - I could go upstairs a half hour before Pat.
2 - I could do a solo photo play date.
3 - I could Geocache.
4 - I could take Poe on a long walk.
5 - I could stay overnight at a hotel.
6 - I could always do an Artists Date.

I mean it seems to me that's the point of the Artists Date.
My Artists Date was probably also my "Weekly Walk"  I took Poe for a really long walk around our complex and around our park and just enjoyed the outside.

The last part talks about being more involved in community.  I've always wondered if I would get a sense of something if I say volunteered more somewhere.  I don't know though.  It seems I'm trying to do too many things to find out how to get out of this rut/get inspired.  I don't know.  Been a bit of a rough go, and I really don't want to jump ship.  I'm going to try very hard to see this journey through and hope for something...

Week 7

This was Discovering a Sense of Momentum.

Talks about taking it easy and not putting too much pressure on yourself.  I feel I'm pretty good at that.

I liked the task - Choose on area and execute a little cleanliness.  So I listed my 5 "Chores" and I plan to do 2 of them before this journey is over.

Rearrange Kitchen Cabinets, Go through old boxes in garage, Sort through candle box from mom (doing this!), tidy bathroom cabinet, clean porch (doing this after the rain!)

Next area was about "ah-ha" moments.  Nothing really new here.  The task was interesting though.  10 Questions - alot about What other culture speaks to you, food wise, religion wise, etc.  I found that I really lean towards Japanese and Buddhism.  Not a surprise really but good to note.

The last bit was basically finish things you've started.  I don't have anything on the docket right now I haven't finished so it's moot for me.

I slacked a lot on my journaling this week, and didn't get an Artists Date in.  I was busy and sick.  I do always get a walk in though.

Sadly I'm looking forward to finishing this journey.  I seem to just not be getting into is as much as The Artists Way.  

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