Monday, April 22, 2024

Idyllwild 2024...

 I was so thrilled to get out on a mini vacay with some of my closest friends!  Pat and I have fallen in love with Idyllwild.  It's becoming such a special place for us.  We've gone with his friends The Hernandez's a couple of times and brought in another couple friends of his - The Rhodes.  Well we now brought a couple of my couple friends - The McDonalds and The Shouse's!  I just love that we're introducing one of our fave spots to our best friends!  The Shouse and Avery crew headed up from a Friday through Monday and the McDonald crew joined on Saturday.  It was a truly lovely weekend of beautiful nature, friendship, food and booze.  I'm back home happy and refreshed!

Libby and Glen opted to ride up with us, and for this trip we took the route that takes you through Temecula since we had a wine pick up at Wiens and wanted to check out the other way up the mountain to see if it may be more do-able for mom.  Well it totally is!  Very pretty drive and much less hairy.

We got Glen to drink wine and he liked it!!

Glen's wine of choice

We arrived and got settled into our cabin.  Pat and I chose to stay in the detached room with the half bath.  We were worried about it being cold, but it was super cozy!  That night Libby and Glen made some delicious pasta shells and her sister joined us for dinner since she wasn't too far away.

Ready for vacay

The little detached room Pat and I stayed in

View of the cabin from down the hill a bit

Hi Maria!

Exploring the grounds

They had a pool table in a little room below

Day one was super lovely.  
Day two Cori and Tom joined us and met us in town.  We wandered a bit then had lunch over at the Brew Pup that was yummy as always!  Love the view of the trees while out on the patio!  We then headed over to the nature center that's always fun and such an easy way to walk to a gorgeous view.

We opened our windows every morning.  It was so pretty to just lay there and feel like we were in the forest

Squirrel party on the deck

Hanging waiting for Cori and Tom

They made it!

Love all the funky little murals around

Lib's Flight

Boys are always willing to smile

The ladies!

This Salmon salad was bomb!

We all got our shots in the cool wood thing

Always fun walking around the Labrynth 

Such a pretty view right?!

How cute are we?


I always bring the snack game

Cori and I colored

While everyone else played cards

Day three highlight was the beautiful hike we did!  Glen and Lib opted to hang back at the cabin, but the rest of us hit up Ernie Maxwell Trail.  Pat's foot is still messed up, so we took it easy but so wonderful to get back on the trails!  We even found the spot that Pat proposed back in 2021!  We headed back into town that night for some fantastic burgers at The Lumber Mill Bar and Grill then wandered a bit again.  Then back home for more cards while Cori and I visited.

There's a geocache in there!  The only one I found this weekend!

The hiking foursome!

Since he never did get down on one knee...

Such a good sport

Trying not to eat shit

Just not much of a card player....

This was damn fun.  I forgot how much I love ping pong!

The card crew

Our last day was just pretty much a get up and go, but we did get a couple of last shots in.

Cori got a good shot of our little spot

Love these girls so damn much

Didn't see any deer, but did get a shot of this pretty guy!


What a wonderful few days away in one of my most favorite places.  I was so glad Pat could spend some time with my crew this time.  We hope to make this an annual thing.  I could sit out on that balcony all friggin day.  So very grateful to be making such great memories with such great people!

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