Monday, July 10, 2023

Lavender Festival Year Two...

Last year Pat, Noel and myself found ourselves at the Lavendar Festival.  It's one of those things I've seen go across my radar many times but never made it - and we finally did last year.  We had a great time.

So - I broached it to my little adventure crew for this year.  Got a few more people to go!

They did change it up a bit.  It used to be an all day thing (not sure how late into the night it went, we left before dark last year) but now it's only at night.  5-10pm in fact.  I was a little disappointed because it's out in the desert and driving at eyes ain't what they used to be.

So this year Amber and Andrea joined, as well as Stacey and her friend Sheila!  Yay!  We didn't all stay together the whole time, but we did a bit and had a lovely evening.

As we rolled up, we thanked our lucky stars we paid for parking because it was a bit of a madhouse.  Much more crowded than last year and I was starting to think - oh no!  This will not be as fun as last year....

But - it was not the case.  It was just different.  There were a lot of things that were still the same from last year, but some stuff had been changed for sure.  The only downer was the food/drink area was PACKED.  The booze line where Pat and Noel were looking forward to another Lavender Mojito was a no go.  The line was just way too long.  But we did get some grub.  Yes we had to wait but it was damn delicious!  All three of us got Marinated Beef Sandwiches with a Lavender BBQ Sauce.  So yummy!  I grabbed myself a Lavender soda as well just to get more Lavender in my life but it was a little weird.

Such a yum sandwich!

Amber and Andrea had arrived and were in line for food.  Stacey and Sheila had wandered off.  So we told Ber to text us when they were done eating and we'd meet back up.  Me & the boys decided to head over to the wine bar we found last time to see if it was still there and less crowded.  And it was!  Yay!  So we got ourselves a bottle of Rose and sat outside overlooking some of the fields.  So pretty!  Also pretty hilarious watching all the little "Influencers" do their thing.

Ahhhh the fields

After this we all met up again and got our one group photo.

The group

After this Stacey and Sheila ran off again and the rest of us wandered around looking at all the pretties!  Amber and Andrea headed out and the boys and myself wandered some more, did some shopping (got me some Lavender Honey!) and one more drink then hit the road.

This may be fun to do one time!

Love this picture of us

The crowded food area

Noel being a homie

So magical


Went home with some goodies!

It was a lovely evening and we had a great time!  This place has other festivals and Stacey found a membership price that seems very worth it.   So you may be seeing more blogs about fun festivals at this beautiful farm!

Yay random adventures!

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