Saturday, July 22, 2023

Artists Way Week 1 (Re-Do)

Hallo friends!  SO - back in 2020 I started up the Artists Way again.  I was doing really good then COVID hit.  Obvi our lives got turned upside down and our world stopped including my Artists Way Journey.  I did get pretty far and you can see that HERE.

Welp - it's getting another go.  My dear friend Justin who lives super far away in MO whom I FaceTime with on the reg got to talking and he's never done it.  BOOM.  Let's do it.  He can pop his Artists Way Cherry and I can try my third attempt once more.

I want to try blogging about it again, because going back and reading my previous Artists Way Blogs made me realize how much more I got out of it this way.

So here we go!


Week One!

Chapter one asks us who our "Monsters" and who our "Champions" are.  List three of each.  Monsters are folks who were horrid to us.  Shot us down, etc.  Champions are our supporters.  So I'm calling out my Monsters - they were all childhood bullies.  So fuck you Jimmy Bettencourt/Mutter, Mandy McAdams, Mimi Kobata and Sunshine Dunn.  Yeah there's 4...Mimi and Sunshine were kind of a duo of asshole-ness.  These 4 people were horrible to me.  Called me names, tried to pick on me physically (although that never got far because I was a little hard ass), said I was ugly, I could go on and on.  I have no idea where these people are now and nor do I care - but back in our childhood days - they were fucking awful people.

My Champions.  I'm lucky to say I have many champions.  I surround myself with supportive wonderful people.  So the 3 I chose for this exercise are 3 folks that currently really appreciate me and who I am and have just said things as of late that mean alot.  That would be Libby (my best friend/soulmate), Renee Gallo and Julie Ackerman.  (I don't think I listed my 3 last time, but I want to say it was my mom, Carol Bonner and Rose Cameron - not that they are not my champions still, but trying to change it up!).  Libby has always been my biggest supporter.  She loves watching me onstage, loves my pictures, loves reading my blogs - just is a huge fan and I love her for it.  Renee has always made me feel special with little notes, and times she thinks of me and her eternal gratitude from trying to keep our little adventure group alive.  Julie and I love all things food and she and I can just sit and connect and drool over our food adventures.  She's also just a damn light of a person and can lift you right up.  I also noticed I sent those Champions notes last time - I shall do that again!

I won't get too much into the nitty gritty of the chapters, but just rather the tasks/exercises.  Figure if you all want to dive in you will on your own time.  But this chapter basically had a lot of getting the negative crap OUT.

I did my morning pages every morning but one. I couldn't believe it!  They just kind of fell into my morning routine. I try to get up and work out before work, so I just do them before my workout.  I had a good week so they just fell right in.  I straight up forgot Sat morning to do them.  Unfortunately my OCD is what keeps me remembering shit, and so I think I just was out of routine and forgot.  I got up Sat morning though and did a lovely long nature walk and geocaching with Pat and Poe before the heat kicked in.

For my Artists Date this week I decided to do a book store.  I thought "I love Barnes & Noble!  It's so big and I could easily wander around in there for an hour."  I set the lunch date on my calendar at work for myself and was excited.  Well - it's closed.  Wah. Wah.  So I opted for the The Bookman- um duh - I love this place too.  It's the best used bookstore in the OC and has been around for YEARS.  I and my family/friends have donated/purchased many a book there.  Plus...have ya'll seen "You Got Mail"?  I really should be supporting that rather than the bigger companies (although I think Amazon is pushing out the Barnes & Nobles).  Anywhoo - the only hard part is it's a little store, so I couldn't really spend an hour in there.  Although I did take my time and wander through every aisle and take in the smell of old books for almost 40 min.  I was thrilled with my haul.
I might have squealed when I saw the Kim Joy book - I follow her in IG!

Parked next to this cool thing


 Then I figured I'd run over to Daiso that is a super cute little fun store full of random cutsie things and picked up some adorable little paper and envelope sets for my notes to my Champions!  So yay!  I check in with Justin tomorrow!  Can't wait to hear how he did!
Artists Date 1 - Check!

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