Tuesday, June 15, 2021

California is officially "Re-Opening"...

June 15th.
The apparent magic day for us Californians. 
Basically all the mandates in place are being tossed and it's a damn free for all.
I felt I needed to throw out a blog.

It's been really weird since we crossed over the year mark a few months ago of when this damn thing hit.  I go back and read the blogs I wrote about it and Jesus have we been through it!  Pat yourselves on the back.  We fucking made it.  Not unscathed, but we're here.

As the vaccine roll out has been happening it has made a huge impact.  Our cases and deaths have gone way way down and hospitals are back to normal again.  I'm actually pretty impressed by how well we seem to have done.  We're not out of the woods yet and the pandemic isn't over, but I am finally actually feeling a bit hopeful and not just cautiously optimistic.  

From my understanding - no more social distancing.  No more capacity limits - except I do believe there is some rules and what not in place for any type of huge events.  No more masks for vaccinated people.  Now - you still will wear them in medical places, schools, public transportation and if any business is still requiring it.  I have no clue how people plan to respond to this.  Personally I'll always still have my mask on me, and plan to still wear it if any business I go in have a masked up staff.  I just feel it's polite.  I think we'll still be wearing them here at Chapman.  Chapman is requiring vaccines now for all returning in Fall when they plan to fully re-open back up.  Those of us vaccinated don't have to get weekly tests anymore thank GAWD.

It's such a trip.  I hated the word "New Normal" but that's where we are.  We've gone from total lockdown and terror to opening right back up with some changes.

I must say though - being able to see my people again (slowly but surely) has been amazing.  I would say 90% of my friends and family are vaccinated.  So we've been easing back in.  Here's some precious highlights:
Mother's Day!  We got to hug all up on our moms!  We had them over for a Sunday Brunch that we made for them.



My monthly brunches with Julie!

Love my Julie

My Photo Adventure Group had a Park Day!!

Couldn't have asked for a better group to have my 1st group gathering!

I get to love up on my 95 year old Grandad!!

Elise got to have an in person 6th Grade Promotion!  Socially distanced and masked but still!

Other moments not captured on camera - Monthly Happy Hours with friends, Friday lunches with dad, eating inside a restaurant, and really just being able to hug people again!

So yeah - it's weird.  It's a new normal.  But thank you to Science and the Medical World and people finally getting on the ball, we're making progress. 

We still have a long road ahead.  Lots of complications with so many things.  Lots of political battles.  Lots of people just being dicks.  There's also a huge mental health toll.  In fact there was a great article I was reading about "Languishing".  It's a new term you can read about here.  I found it fascinating and right on to what so many of us are going through.  Business are having new struggles - a lot of folks are staying on unemployment right now since there's been so much "stimulus" help they don't want to come back.  I'm pretty sure that's coming to an end soon though.  Lots of people getting breaks on rents/mortgages will be ending.  Depression is at an all time high.  Alcoholism is on the rise (I need to cut back my damn self)  There's just a whole lot of so much shit to deal with still.

But I'm so glad we've at least turned a massive corner.  I feel there is a light now.  We've been in the dark for a bit over a year but my hope now is we keep moving forward.  Fingers crossed.

In the meantime - be grateful.  Take nothing for granted.  And for gods sake be kind.  Too many people are going through too much shit and we have to be kind to each other.  

Love you friends!

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