Monday, October 22, 2018

Oak Glen Apple Picking...

I've always wanted to go Apple Picking in the Fall.
This is one of those adventures I suck at actually making happen.  It used to just be Julian but then I kept hearing about Oak Glen, which is a lot closer!

Welp - I finally got out there thanks to my boyfriend!  He's part of this really great organization called Adventure Princesses.  A lot of you parents had heard of this, but I had not until I met him.  It's so awesome.  It's like Girl Scouts in a way, but it's just dads and daughters.  Every now and again they'll do an event where other family members (Or in my case girlfriends) are invited to join and this was one of them.  Yay!!

It's about an hour drive from the OC and we hit up Snow Line Orchard 1st.  This place was adorable!  They have a little gift shop, wine tasting, cider (alcoholic and non) tasting, apple tasting, a little picnic area and a place for a band to play.  They apparently also have Berry Picking, but there really weren't any left.  This would be a great place to come after you pick I think.  It's more of a come hang out and eat sort of place and seems like a great location for after picking all morning.  We had some apple fritter donuts, coffee the did some hard cider tasting.  (It was a bit early for wine tasting) but I did end up getting a hard cider that was mixed with sparkling wine!  It was like a Fall Version of a Mimosa!  Yum! We also did some apple tasting.  There's so many different types of apples!!!

We then pretty much just hung out.  One of the gals is a professional photographer, so she took everyone's family shots which was awesome.  Then I just played around with my amateur photog self! He he!

You know how I love sunburts in trees!

There were so many pretty colorful tress!

Actually looks like fall!

Old dude playin some tunes

Fall Colors!
What we did most of the morning!  Shot by Bonnie

Daddy Daughter Time!
This is the picture that Bonnie the professional took!  I love it!

Here's the dads and their beautiful daughters! 
Next up, the rest of us headed over to Los Rios Rancho Orchard to pick.  Someone had suggested it and it had a Corn Maze!  There's a zillion orchards over there so you can kind of pick and choose.  This one was ok, a bit hot and unfortunately not many apples left.  I do think it's late in the season though for apples (Another reason I always forget to go!)  But we had a lot of fun!  You get a little bag, then you buy the apples buy the pound.  So we all trekked through the orchards (a bit dusty) and filled up our bags!

The apple lady gave us the run down

Green ones!

My baby picking apples for me because I'm too damn short

Hi flowers!


Apparently other critters get to the apples before we do!

So pretty!
I of course had to get an Apple Selfie!

Playing with my "soft" filter

Dads and Daughters

This gal was rad - she was like "I'm climbing up there!"

My haul!!!  I'm going to make applesauce and maybe an apple fritter loaf!
It was a super fun day!  I did get an idea and a layout of the place, so I'd love to bring my mom back up here.  I think if you come super early, grab a good parking spot on the road where you can hit up food/picking/etc all in walking distance you're good!  That will be my plan of action next year!  Yay Apple Picking!!!

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