Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Politics got me down...

I’m not really sure what I’m trying to accomplish on this post.  Probably nothing really other than just putting my thoughts down here like I do sometimes just for shits and giggles.  I struggle to stay positive and promote compassion and kindness always.  Sometimes it gets hard though.  Like today.  Today Politics and our society are getting me down.

I had a wonderful dinner (as always) with a dear friend of mine and we got to chatting.  He has a couple of dogs, one of them a pit bull.  As I was looking into the darling sweet eyes of this adorable mutt we joked about how “vicious” pit-bulls are.  And laughed about this List.  It’s true!  Pit bulls have a horrible reputation but if they are raised with love they are just as loveable and adorable as any other dog.  As Leroy licked my hand and shoved up against me for more affection, my friend started telling me about how he needs to be careful with his other pooch because she’s very protective of her Papa.  This got us chatting about dog bites and animal attacks, etc. and how our society just immediately puts them down.  I wanted to cry when he told me that if someone breaks into your home and your dog attacks the intruder the dog may get put down.  WHAT?!  So if someone breaks in your house and you fucking shoot them with a gun you will probably be fine, but if your dog protects it’s owner the dog could be killed.  I shook my head and said “Our society is so backwards!”.  He of course agreed.  He and I are pretty much on the same page when it comes to politics and our outlook on life.

As we walked the pooches we got to talking about the primaries.  Both of us are fans of Bernie at the moment.  I’ll admit, I’m not the most intellectual person, especially when it comes to politics, but I’m not an idiot either.  To me, Bernie seems to give a shit.  He wants change.  We need change.  Then I read this article today – HuffPo.  This totally depressed me.  Why?  Because it has a point.  Yes, Bernie is great, but can he actually do all the things he says?  Can any presidential candidate? The fact that Trump is even in the running makes me shake my head in shame to be an American.  I've always felt that the president is more of a puppet and that the House controls every damn thing.  The fact that Ruth Bader Ginsburg is there gives me a little hope, but sadly she's usually looking totally annoyed and defeated by the idiots she's surrounded by.  Politics just depresses me. It's so screwed up it seems! 

Then I read this article – ChapBlog.  This is great for Chapman, but reminded me again of how fucked our society can be.  The line “Together, the collections are an unmatched record of the ethical and political forces that were at odds and led to the missteps that set the Challenger up for tragedy”.  Ethical and political forces at odds?!  This rips my heart out because that is how our society thinks at large.  My GAWD.  I could just see how it probably went down.  7 lives are gone because of that decision.

I joke about how all the superhero movies and shows have corrupt government and corrupt police forces and what not.  Joking aside – they’re probably pretty right on!  It’s scary.  Our society is so fucking turned around and wacked out when it comes to this stuff and sometimes it gets so overwhelming I don’t feel like my little acts of kindness are even working.  

Drones?  Chemical Warfare?  Torture?  Genital Mutilation?  Greed - FUCKING GREED?!  Global Warming? ( I really love when people say this isn't a thing.  Jesus.) The fact that it's 2016 and we still have a problem with racism and equality and women's rights?!  I mean come on!!!! 

I have friends who struggle to run a business because they have to deal with a ridiculous amount of bullshit that when it all comes down to it – it’s about money (Like - "Oh...FYI..our state is so fucked and broke that we have to tax the shit out of your tiny business to pay for our fuck ups").  I honestly don’t know how small businesses make in our greedy corrupt world.  People are fighting universal healthcare because it screws them but don’t care that it actually helps everyone.  People want to block our borders and not let anyone in because there’s a few asshole terrorists out there.  Um – hello – the asshole who shot up that church in SC?  The crazy ass who shot up the movie theater in CO?  The even craziest motherfucker who killed all those kids in Sandy Hook?  There’s a shit ton more here in the US and in fact – read THIS!  Yeah…it’s our own nutballs that have killed more people not other nationalities.    We have cops who shoot people at the drop of hat, yet for some reason this weird standoff in Oregon with a bunch of crazy assholes is still going on?!

I drive by new designer apartments being built while just around the corner is a homeless community.  There are zillions of shelter animals and strays that need homes yet breeding is still legal.  We have animals endangered of being extinct yet hunting is permitted.  WTF?!

I’m know I’m going off on a tangent here, and I could keep going for pages and pages.  I won’t.  I don’t get like this too often.  It’s a constant battle to try to live by the way I live.  Kindness.  Compassion.  Etc.  But is it enough?  I’m terrified it isn’t. 

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