Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Labor Day Weekend...

Another one come and gone!


Gone.  It's September 8th.  Already.  Sheesh.

How I feel about time

Anywhoo - my weekend was pretty nice!

Friday - off work early - yay! - Got all my weekend chores done.  That's right.  Exciting Friday night for Miss Jami.

Saturday up and ready to hit the Street Fair!  Super excited this year because Jon is here!!!  I don't get to see my littlest brother nearly enough so I was thrilled that we get to see him twice this year!!

10am the crew arrives at my place and we walk over.

First stop of course is El Buen Taco.

Seriously.  These are the best damn tacos EVER!  So delicious.

Jon gets to join us this year!

Sums up how Dad feels about his tacos

Angela, Jon and I


My brudder!!!

I'm so happy I got to see him!
After this we head over to Rod's to meet up with our friend Steve and his wife who is pretty much my other dad.

Dad #2
Rod's is the best drinking spot at the Fair.  It's a liquor store who has a special set up for the Street Fair.  You walk through, get your drink, then the lovely gals poor them into a plastic cup and off you go.  This is pretty much the only place you can get something other than beer if you don't land in a bar or restaurant.  I started drinking Champagne.  That's right.  Tacos and champagne before noon.

Shane and D finally made it!

Time to catch up!  Cheers to Street Fair and Fam!

Dad's face is pretty much how we were all feeling at this point
Then D took this rad selfie:

Jon and Angela got some Gyros and Brat which they said was fantastic.  After many drinks we headed over to Dutch Street for ableskeevers.  Now around now is when I totally forgot I was going to take more pictures and blog about the Fair.  I blame alcohol.  So picture delicious yummy dough balls covered in jam and powdered sugar that we pretty much devoured.  Shane & I then got ourselves some Hawaii Pork Sliders.  Um amazing.

D took another fab selfie:

About this point everyone was ready to peace out.  Angela grabbed some cotton candy on the way out.  The walk home:

Cute pic!

Now, I thought we were going to head over to Shane/D's for some pool fun but I was mistaken.  I was the only one that showed up in a bathing suit.  So fail there.  We just hung out and drank more.

After we called it a day, I headed to mom's to spend some time with gramma and take her on our weekly cemetary trip.  We picked up dinner and I had some nice family time with mom and gramma.

Then back home for a bit and off again to meet my high school friend Katie.  She lives on Pine Street and I've been dying to catch up with her over wine on her rad porch.  Plus I can walk there!  Which we did and it was fab.  The screams and shouts of the Street Fair filling the night air.

Sunday was brunch in honor of Jon's visit at Chas Chas in Brea which was pretty good!  Sadly I was a little hung from the day before (this is why Jami doesn't drink all day anymore...) so I could only eat part of my delicious taco breakfast.  But it was damn good and made for a great snack later!  Lori took some rad shots:

I seriously love this picture so much. 

The only bummer is Lori isn't in them!

Later that afternoon I tackled some art projects and did some cooking for the week since T and I are not having our usual weekly meal prep date this week.  (She's out of town).

Monday started off with a wonderful little hike (more like nature walk) with my best girls.

Love this little butthead

Teaching her how to be a tough girl. 

Since the weather has decided skyrocket again, I didn't do much else.   Worked on some projects that didn't take too much energy but that was about it.  Later that evening my friend Margaret came over (she's in town from New York) and we shared some Chardonnay on the deck.  I adore this girl and love to see her when she's in town!  A perfect way to end a lovely weekend!

I can't believe how fast this year is shooting by!

A big thank you to Dad and Lori for treating all us kids to food and drink all weekend!

Happy September readers!!

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