Wednesday, October 30, 2013

LA Haunted Hayride...

I have wanted to check out LA's Haunted Hayride for a few years now.  Jay had gone the year before and raved about it, and I had heard good things from other people as well.  So, last weekend I got my chance!

Julie/Gabe/Amber and I had gone to the Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor last year and were very disappointed.  We discussed other options and decided to check out the Hayride this year which we did!  I got to chatting with a co-worker of mine who is also a horror fan and he joined us for the fun.

Amber and I carpooled and as we drove up the mountain to Griffith Park where it was held, the fog was rolling in and the entire area just had a creepy feel to it.  I started getting super excited.  We parked in the first lot we found and I was stunned we didn’t have to pay.  Yay!  We didn’t have to walk too far and wandered around the place while we waited for the others to arrive.  The maze (You paid an additional $10 for) was right at the beginning.  There was a hanging area, but we never did see a hanging, a place you could pose for pictures with a car, one food vendor, a soda vendor (flavored soda mind you!) and then the growing line for the Hayride.  Behind that was another area with more stuff but we didn’t get to see that until we were “in”.

Taylor arrived next and we took a selfie:

Then Julie/Gabe arrived and we got in line.  As we waited a few monsters startled us.  I was quite excited to see Taylor react.  I love going to these things with new people!  I apologize for the grainy-ness of all these photos, but it was at night with my iPhone and those always come out funky.  Anywhoo here’s some from line:

The line moved relatively quickly and we were soon in the hay area portion of the line.  We realized later it was a good thing we got there right when it opened because this line got a lot bigger as the night progressed.  Monsters startled people in this line as well.

When we got to the end, there were severed talking heads I was bummed I didn’t catch a picture of, but we were being herded into a cage.  Yes a cage.  They cram a bunch of you in a cage.  Too funny.  This is where they tell you the rules, etc.  There were then multiple tractors pulling these trailers.  They were low to the ground and full of hay.  We were all herded onto the back of the next one.  My only complaint of the whole night was I wish the hayride was longer and I wish these trailers were better equipped to sit in.  If they improve both of those things that would rock.  We were really smooshed in and I had to crane my neck a lot during the ride.  Anyone with back/knee issues would really have a problem.  I had hoped it was more of a “sitting on a hay bale” sort of thing, but oh well.  Most of us surrounded the outer edge and a few folks sat directly in the middle.  It was certainly cozy.  No pictures of the hayride because I couldn’t get to my phone. 

As we rode up the hill we passed a long fence with body parts, mostly hands sticking out.  I so wanted to high five one.  Then these monsters ran past us in a choreographed manner to the back, behind us, stopped, faced us, then their mouths glowed red and they attacked.  Awesome.  It wasn’t too scary because we already saw them, but some people did get a fright.  Next was a rendition of the Wicker Man.  Rad.  These guys threw themselves into the “fire pit”.  The “corn” folk that attacked us I have to say – beautiful bodies!!!  The guys had such rad 6 packs!  I was so distracted by that I didn’t even appreciate the horror portion of that one!  Tee hee!!!  Then there was a “Satan Church”.  The pastor guy was a demon and he rose up and up and up and as he went up his red cloak got bigger and longer.  It was rad.  Then of course all of the church goers that were hooded turned and faced us at the same time and attacked.  Rad.  There was another area that had these two giant trees that attacked.  That was cool because you certainly weren’t expecting that!  A lot of people jumped.  We went through a place that was “experimenting” on people and they had giant jars with people in them.  Pretty cool.  Then we were attacked by people in bags.  I want to say there was another one or two here, but of course my memory fades so quick now.  The finale was the best; we pulled into a church looking place and were being attacked by clowns.  I say Taylor tense up.  The ran to the back and were holding a large black sheet.  “No way!” I screamed.  “We’re going to get covered!!!”  Sure enough they ran over us and blanketed us in this sheet.  So now it’s dark.  All of a sudden there are clowns everywhere with flashlights under their chins freaking the hell out of everyone.  Especially Taylor who jumped about 3 feet.   So great!  I was dying laughing.  When the sheet was pulled off there was a Soulful Clown gospel band singing about being saved.  Fantastic.   The hayride came to an end and I was sad it was over but my back and neck and knees were glad it was. 

We then wandered around the after area and they had this rad “Scary Go Round”.   I of course could not go on it, but it ran backwards!!!

As we were wandering a giant jester on stilts was leaning on a tree.  Julie and I both got scared by him because we didn’t think he was real!  So awesome!  Next up was the maze.  This was a bummer for me.  They let you in in small groups.  One person had a lantern.  Well this was pointless because we lost our person in about 2 seconds.  It started out cool – a movie of a man getting totally slaughtered in the house that you’re standing next to – hilarious.  We walk into a black dark maze and there is only a strobe light.  The ground is also uneven.  This is where I realized I wasn’t going to make it.  Normally strobe lights don’t bother me, but this didn’t stop and I started to get dizzy, then sick and knew I had to get out.  So after only about 5 minutes I found an emergency exit, turned to Amber and said I had to leave and went out.  A monster found me and pointed me the way.  I was super bummed but also super glad I was able to get out before I got really sick.  My head and tummy simmered down and I never hit the point of no return (That point I get sick and am fucked).  I waited at the exit for everyone else and found out through them that it was pretty much just the dark and strobe but it ended with a very claustrophobic like exit.  You went through these halls that the walls were blown inward and a monster waited for you at the end.  There was also a chainsaw wielding monster (I found out later was a friend of mine) that chased you out.  I laughed because Amber was in tears and Julie had apparently fallen down.  Damn!  I missed it! 

We decided to head back to the carnival area to see what we missed.  We watched a portion of the Demonology guy talking about real life hauntings.    I had no idea the Griffith Park had a history of curses, etc.  Pretty interesting!  We then headed over and watched this guy who was a sword swallower.  He was fantastic.  Very funny.  Very charming.  Julie actually got brought up onstage to help him out at one point.

He put on a fantastic show.  I’ll never know how someone figures out they want to do that, but hey – it works out for those who like to watch.  Such a trip!  There was a mirror funhouse but it looked strobe light like so we skipped it.  Another really cool thing they had was a tent saying “Photo Opportunity”.  I thought this might be one of those things that blow air and scare you like Jay and I had at Haunt but instead it was prop areas.  They had about 6 set ups of different scenes that you could pose and take pictures of yourself.  No charge!!!  I’m so used to places gouging you for money and this wasn’t.  I wish I had a better camera for this but you can see the fun ones we chose.  My poltergeist one had been a hit on Facebook! 

 Amber - Off with her head!
 Julie and Gabe - Yikes!
 Don't go into the light Jami!
 Taylor pulling the switch!
 RIP Julie!
Amber eating the meat grinder man!! 

So all in all the LA Haunted Hayride rocked.  I really did have a great time and we had such a great group!  I will totally do this one again!!! 

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