Monday, January 30, 2012

Some lessons learned...

So in the process of a slow lifestyle change, you start to realize you're actually learning a few things. So I thought I'd jot down a few lessons I have learned as of late.
- I am an absolutely horrible speller. I know that Writers Day Blog is supposed to be unedited and just a flow of thought, but if I didn’t spell check the damn thing any of you actually reading it would think I'm not actually doing it but a kindergartener is.
- Speaking of that blog, there are days I think I'm the worst writer in the whole world and other days I think "Wow - that was actually a nice bit". Then there are the days I don’t know if it's good or bad but I'm doing it so yay me.
- I took the Ayurveda test since I'm looking at all kinds of options to work on change, and I have found my Pitta is spiked and I need to bring my Vata up. In normal words this means I need to slow down a bit. So I should probably take a yoga class regularly.
- I have learned that keeping active in my life I now crave it. If I go more than 2 days in a row without an activity (which happens sometimes because there are not enough hours in the day) I feel it and I don’t like it.
- I have also found I'm eating better. I didn’t mean too, I just started. I actually want mom to make dinners. The thought of fast food is not appealing to me at all. I cut out soda from my diet a few years ago actually and realized the other day I don’t miss it. Not even a little bit.
- My cats are like little heaters.
- I'm actually pretty fucking strong. I have one of the most powerful punches in my boxing burn class and kind of kick everyone's ass when it comes to the boot camp part. I also took to indoor rock climbing like a fish to water.
- I am not at all graceful or coordinated. If my hands and feet have to do 2 different things it's a comedy show on legs.
- I am not at all a technical person. I tune out. I'm hoping Ber will still have photo play dates with me when I ask her over and over the same damn questions because I will never ever understand the workings of my camera.
- I hate math so much it actually makes me vomit. No for real.
- I absolutely love when a friend makes something and gives it to me. When I move back out again, I really want to have a little section of my house that is only things my friends have painted, or photographed, or sewn, or crafted. Right now I have a Jerry Garcia painting from my friend Cesar, an adorable little handmade card from my friend April, an inspirational postcard from my friend Rachel, a coaster with a J on it from my friend Bri, and tonight I just got a crocheted teddy bear from my friend Violet.

I honestly could go on with many more, and I'm sure I'll throw up another lesson's learned blog pretty shortly. But I'm tired. I am stoked with all I'm doing right now but it is a lot. But it's good!! Except that I need to slow down a little if my Pitta and Vata are ever going to balance. Le sigh. This activity in my life is great. I don’t necessarily notice my body much better, I've actually gained muscle weight again but I feel good. I want to concentrate on my nutrition soon but I know that's going to be a huge endeavor. I'm hoping to meet with a nutritionist who can tell me how to eat healthy without cooking. I have a show coming up that will run 2 weekends only that I'm quite excited about. Between this blog, the daily blog and my therapy journal I'm supposed to keep I'm writing more than I ever have. It's difficult but good. I have some really great people in my life. New ones as well that are helping me along this journey. They don’t know how much they are actually helping me out.

So livin and learnin it seems. So far so good.

1 comment:

Rose said...

DUDE! Look at you with your post of positive lessons learned! No surprise you like rock climbing, you are strong :) There are some things we'll never be able to do naturally (I cannot understand music in any form although I love it), but we've got to be aware and grateful for what we ARE good at and it sounds like you're finally giving yourself the credit you deserve ;) <3 Oh, and vomiting? The thought of leaving my job (to do something I love) terrifies me to the point of wanting to vomit.