Monday, July 5, 2010

Random Thoughts on a Monday...

* I feel so bad when I see someone running to catch a bus. I mean it already blows for these poor bastards to have to even take a bus, then to be running down the street frantically trying to catch the damn thing is even sadder. I find myself rooting for them to make it when the go flying by me, bags swinging, sweat dripping down there face, - I'm in my car whispering "Go man go!!!!". I'm so happy when they make it, but I've seen them miss it as well and I'm have tempted to go pick them up since they put in such a valiant effort trying to catch the thing.
* What is it with babies and peek-a-boo? They love this! They are so fascinated when you hide behind your hands then open them making a face like a jackass. They giggle and stare and are just amazed. Do they actually think you dissappear for that one second or are they just amazed at what an idiot your making of yourself while your doing it?
* I hate the Sit & Sleep commericals. I'm sure they have them on TV too, but I'm reffering to the ones on the radio. I swear as soon as I hear that fucker's voice come over the sound waves I slam my radio buttons to make it stop. Its the only commercial that actually makes me want to jump through the radio and strangle him. He angers me so. To all radio DJ's out there - STOP PLAYING THAT BASTARD NOW!
* I believe that I would be an outstanding griller. Yes I'm talking about a BBQ. Yes I know you all know I dont/wont cook. I'm horrible at it - the kitchen and all its weird contraptions that come with it are puzzles to me. Microwave and Refridgerator are all I'll ever need to survive. But I find that I think I would rule on the BBQ. I've done it a few times and did it again over the weekend. The only thing is I fear the gas. I will not turn the thing on or off. I hate the poof noise followed by flames and heat that you have to go through to turn it on and off. I dont know what it is about gas - but I fear it. Big time. So I'd like the world to invent a non-gas BBQ because I'm sure I could grill up some mean goods. Or I'll just always have to have someone to turn it on/off for me.
* My house is currently over run by birds and thier nests. We have baby birds up the wazoo. We have 1 little dude who cant fly. He's hopping around the backyard. I was trying to clean the yard the other day and almost hosed the poor guy down. "Oh hi lil fella!" I said. He stared at me as if I'd just caused world tragedy. "I didnt get you for Gods sake!". I grabbed a bit of bird seed and put it in front of him. He again looked at me as if to say "Bite me bitch". Fine. I tried. Today I watched another fluffy baby bird on the fence, hoppin around screechin for mom. When mom would arrive he'd open his mouth and screech even more. Mom would look at him then fly off. She did this about 3 times. I thought it was kind of mean, but kind of funny at the same time. We have another next where the baby's have gotten pretty big and fluffy right now, and they barely fit in the nest. Its somewhat hilarious to see 4 little fatties all fighting for space.

I suppose that is all for now. Figured I need to write even if its some random thoughts. Have a lovely day my readers.


Rose said...

Hahahah! Love the random thoughts. You can use a charcoal BBQ - no propane required!

Amberkins said...

Yes, indeed, very amusing. I hate the Sit & Sleep commercials too and they're just as annoying on tv. And someone beat me to the charcoal BBQ option! That's real BBQ'ing but truly just as scary as the gas. Lighter fluid!