Monday, December 14, 2009

My wedding diamond...

My wedding ring is now a necklace.
I would have probably sold it, or hocked it or even burned it but it was my mother's diamond. One of the most special things about my wedding ring was that it was my mother's. No, her marriage didnt work out eithier, but she always kept her ring. She then passed it on to me when I got married.
After the divorce, people asked me if I kept my wedding ring. Yes, I'd say, because my mom's diamond is in there. I'd pull out the ring every now and again and have those painful heart tugs at what could have been. The white gold of the ring started to tarnish after time and not taking care of it, and I'd gaze at the symbolism of my tarnished marriage. The betrayel, the lies, my financial ruin, and more lies.
I told my mom one day I'd like to melt the ring into something else. I want to hold onto to that diamond, its special. I'm sure my mom gazed at that same jewel after her divorce feeling similar pangs of loss. We share this, mom and I. This diamond is special.
So mom took the ring to a friend of hers who had a jeweler. It was gone for so long I had honestly forgotten about it (which I'm sure mom had planned). The other day she said "I know we're not buying Christmas presents for each other this year (aaah the economy) but I wanted to give you this."
There it was.
My ring. Now a necklace. The teeny tiny emeralds have been removed and the diamond is set in a round setting with little diamonds surrounding it. Its beautiful. And so sparkly!
I took the necklace out today and gazed it. Maybe this can be a symbol too. I took a painful memory of my past, a life changing moment that still stings and had it turned into something new and beautiful. Maybe, like my diamond, I can become something new and beautiful too.

1 comment:

Rose said...

Aw, that's wonderful! Leave it to your mom to do something so sweet. :) That is a beautiful symbol of true love!