Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The holiday season begins...

Turkey Day has come and gone, Xmas lights and decorations are amuck, everywhere you go the holiday music is playing. I'm always a mixed bag around this time of year, but I will say this - its better then last. Granted I'm broker then broke - Thank GAWD we decided to draw names this year so we only get one gift. I have a handful of angel gifts I'll be spending most my holiday monies on - my heart breaks for these people who have no one. I was thrilled when 10 of my friends jumped on board and participated....still hopin they all pull thru...otherwise I"ll be getting a few more...
Last year at this time I moved back home. Thanksgiving weekend to be exact. It was an awful year, gramma was ill, I was down, D and I both recently unemployed. Our Turkey day was a bittersweet gathering of us eating bad prime rib and drinking. ALOT.
This year has been rough. I'm still not where I need to be, but I'm trying. Trying so hard. But the best thing as always is being surrounded by friends and family. The holidays may get commercial, and make people crazy, and some days I do just want to throw a Xmas tree thru the window, but there is the good.
We had a typical McCoy Thanksgiving this year.
D and the bro hosted and decided to attempt to deep fry a turkey for the 1st time. The entire process seemed a little too much work in my opinion but was comedy to watch. Bro with the giant rubber gloves, dad shouting instructions then both of them staring at the fryer wondering what was going to happen next - but of course playing it off like they knew what they were doing. Gramma didnt make again, but I did pick up my 94 year old Papa. He happily had a couple of beers (gramma not there to nag him) and watched the game and the deep fryer comedy. Mom brought so much stuff as well and our friends Nat and roomie were there also. Our holidays tend to always include a few of our friends whose family isnt local and I love it. We all ate too much, watched the Cowboys win and laughed the night away. The later crew - Nat, bro, D, me and another friend joined us later - played cranium. We did drink alot again this year but topping it of with hours of cranium was just the entertainment I needed.
The rest of the weekend was lovely. I drank mimosas while I watched mom and the roomie decorate for Xmas, I got alot done, I slept, I ate.
Going back to work was rough. I'm so unhappy there and I'm waiting and hoping this economy will turn around. I need something that makes me happy.
Still no answers from my shooting star, I'm a little frustrated but I'm trying to be patient. Life goes on. I'm battling the bad days but embracing the good ones. Now if I could just find a little motivation I'd be golden....

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