Tuesday, August 11, 2015


My "convention" cherry has officially been popped.

I've never made it to Comic Con, nor a music convention (Played on the outskirts of Namm), didn't honestly really even know what a convention was.

Well - being the horror junkie that I am - my friend & Chapman co-hort Taylor bought us tickets (including after party tickets) to ScareLA.  This is it's third year and 1st time at the Pasadena Convention Center.

I pretty much just planned on riding the coat tails of Taylor since he's a convention pro.  We had also planned to stay the whole weekend up there.  So mini vacay - here I come!

Saturday August 8th, we arrived way before check in time, had time for a quickie brekkie at Starbucks and headed over.  As we walked up there was a huge line making it's way out from a giant pumpkin.

Hi giant pumpkin!

But Mr. Fancy Pants Taylor got us "Fear Freak" passes which were VIP so we followed a gal and were led in before the ginormous line.  Yay!  We checked in, got our wrist bands, lanyard and program.  Then we got in our own line that was indoors.

VIP Bitches (and apparently Instagram Selfies post backwards)
As we waited in line they had a little photo op - so of course -

Insane?  Maybe
They also had these guys walking up and down the lines with these awesome puppet things!  They had sound effects and everything!

Shane would love this one...NOT!

This zombie chick sounded so freaky!  I also think the cosplay dude freaked her out!

This was my favorite. I sort of wanted it as a pet!
They opened the doors and in we went!  I was immediately overwhelmed and start taking random pictures.  Taylor was on a mission to find this Zombie Game we signed up for.  I kept stopping though and wanting to look at everything and take pictures.  Like this one with the Ghostbusters!

Who ya gonna call?
They had these rad stations set up where they were doing people's makeup.  Some of these people sat there for hours!

I was just randomly snapping away.


OMG Zombie Barbies!!!

I want someone to buy me one of these cakes for my next birthday!  I mean it is my big 40!

Taylor was humoring me for the most part but I knew he wanted to find this game so finally we did.  They gave us a little pin thing that blinked different colored lights.

You had 2 hours to play the game.  You wanted it to stay green. If it got red you died, yellow you were in trouble (at one point I got yellow and was shoving people out of my way trying to find a healing station) and white you ruled.  There were little "Pharmacy" stations all around that you could heal yourself at.  You also had to avoid the random zombies walking around and anyone who was "infected."

These Walking Dead folks could also help you if you were "infected"

A couple of the rad zombies!

Totally fun and got you to interact with people a bit but the only bummer was every time it seemed I was trying to take a picture or look at something here comes a damn zombie!!  I would of course high tail it away shrieking.  Luckily we were going both days so I just figured I'll look at all the shit I missed on Sunday.

As we were wandering around I noticed someone signing stuff.  OMG SID HAIG!!  For those of you who don't know who this is - he's an actor pretty much known for the Rob Zombie horror flicks like House of a Thousand Corpses and Devils Rejects!  Um those of you who know me know I love these movies!!!!  This is Sid:

I love him!  I totally fan girled out.  I bought one of my favorite prints and had him sign it!  

He spelled my name right!
Squeeeaaaa!!!  Then I took my picture with him.  Um...totally dying!!!


That was a total highlight right there!!  After my geeking out we wandered around some more and I did a fun little scream thingie.  I don't know why I look so girlie doing it but here it is:

We saw some random thing you volunteer for.  I was eyeing a nearing zombie when apparently Taylor volunteered us.   Next thing I knew some guy was telling four of us to put our hands through this opening and find a key.  I was so afraid something was going grab my hand.  The guy next to me had the key.  We just had our hands in some gross oatmeal feeling crap.  

I started getting a bit hungry, and since we just got there and had a panel to get to we opted to eat the convention food.  Blergh.  Bad idea.  Totally overpriced and not tasty.  But whatevs.  

I was also trying to be a good "social media" presence as friends have been on me.  So anytime I came across one that had a little "Take your pic and tag us" or whatever I did it!  Like these:

Blood Moon Faire

Dapper Cadaver Props

Grim Wreather

Around this time we had finished up our zombie game.  We checked back in and they took our score and neither of us "died" so we were now glowing a white light and apparently healers! Ha! Ok.

Then we headed over to our 1st panel. The making of the monsters.

The Art Directors of Fright Fest, Dark Harbor, Knotts & Universal and this is about how thrilled they were the whole time.

It was ok.  They were supposed to chat about the making of the monsters, etc, but the the moderator wasn't very good and they all just seemed weird and slightly uncomfortable.  So meh on that one.

After this we decided to check out Zombie Joes show.  My friend Alex has worked with them so I really wanted to see what they did!   We then found Meghan.  She's another Chapman co-worker.  We had all found out we were going so we exchanged numbers & planned to meet up.  

Hi Meghan!

 So the three of us went in and watched the 10 minute little show they did.  It was kinda cool.  Little loud, little weird, but very performance artsy.  I sort of wished it had a more clear storyline but interesting all the same.  The actors were all very committed and did great jobs!  I also stopped by their booth on Sunday and took a photo!  

Trying to be cute in a coffin
Meghan and Taylor did the Ward 13 thing here.  I opted out not sure if it would kick off my sickies but I guess it was kinda lame.  It also apparently had walls that shocked you! WTF!

Meghan had signed up for the Alone experience.  She had this little note that told her to look for a black blob.  We joined her trying to find him.  Then I saw it and yelled - there! there!  (I had seen these guys earlier but just thought they were cosplayers.)  She walked over and all of a sudden he threw the blob over her!  I yelled "Oh my God they ate my friend!"  

Meghan totally dug it!
When she emerged the guy had drawn on her and given her instructions for her next clue.  She had to go outside and look for a pink triangle.  (Is it bad I totally thought they meant vagina?!)  We wandered around outside and I found them.  Yay!  She headed over.  

 Unfortunately that had gone to lunch! Doh!  This was about the time for our next panel to start, so we parted ways since she still wanted to finish the experience.  It sounds like it was pretty cool!  You can read about her experience here - MeghansBlog.

Taylor and I then headed over to the Universal Horror Nights panel.  This one was a little more interesting because the two guys were super excited and animated about their work. They revealed the new maze this year will be Halloween.  Yay!  One of my favorite horror flicks!  I was also appropriately wearing my Halloween tank top!  I enjoyed this panel way more than the other one.  Super interesting and just really cool to see how excited these guys were and what they had in store for this years event.

The line to get in!

Ours was a bit shorter but still!  So popular!

These guys were rad

Cant wait!
 After this we were apparently going to break a Guinness Book of World Records of the most people opening up candy at the same time?  Um sure!  We got a free bag of customized candy so I was in!

After this we were pretty much done.  Taylor and I had planned to meet his folks for dinner.  We landed at O2 Sushi which was bomb!  If you find yourself in Pasadena this is a yummy sushi joint!

Such rad little menus made of fabric!
After dinner with his folks we headed to our hotel.  Meghan met us there and we all got dressed up for the after party at the Bloody Ballroom that we had tickets for.  None of us put too much thought into the costumes, but I packed a few options.  Meghan ended up wearing one of my sets of wings I brought and I threw together sort of a punky devil thing.  Not my best work but not horrible either!

Cute eh?

We were a bit late to the party, but when we wandered in we realized that was just fine.  Unfortunately this party was a joke.  The band that was onstage was Monte Revolta and his band.  Um...not great.  Really loud and annoying.  Then this character called Ghoulmaster came on.  I'd been reading about him and saw his set up at the Expo but have no idea who he is!  Our chins hit the floor when he performed.  It was so odd!  He's like this goth kid but he raps!  He had a little posse of gothy chicks dancing, he came out, rapped about being who you are - very yay self esteem - then that was it.  I turned to Meghan and asked "Is this what Emo is now?!"  I have no idea what we just saw.  But then out came who I had really wanted to see - Blood Drums! I love these guys!  They've performed at Knotts and Hayride and I just really dig their percussion skills!  Of course they're all "gored" up but still awesome drummers.  So they were of course rad!
We drank our nasty booze (that we had to buy mind you.  Oh and I also spilled on myself!) and watched the costume contest.  I was super bummed that only like half the people dressed up.  The winners were cute though - The Sanderson Sisters!  But the party - LAAAAAAMMMMEEEEE.

So - we called it a night.  Meghan headed home and Taylor and I promptly crashed out.

Sunday we awoke to a not so great breakfast buffet at the hotel.  Then headed over for day 2.

I was so tired!!! Who knew conventions were so damn exhausting!

I love all the random people walking around in costume.

We hit the mini mazes first.  They were all decent.

This one didn't have much to the maze but the guys Devil makeup was bomb!!

This was more of a show - they only let 4 of us in and the actors played with us and they did a very creative loop around.  Great use of space!

Then we walked the Expo floor at our leisure.  Since we weren't being hunted by zombies this time we got to actually check the stuff out.

We watched the Sliders Show which was really fun!  I just love them!!!  So wish I could be one!  I was also pleased there was a gal slider.

Slider daughter!  OMG I loved her!

Check out the airborne guy!

Here comes the gal!
 The show was super fun!

Taylor then made his purchase - a new fog machine with all the fixings!

Then we decided to grab a late lunch since the only panel we were attending that day wasn't until 4pm.  We headed across the street to PF Changs and drank and ate.  This was a lovely part of the day.  Such a nice leisurely lunch outside in the beautiful weather! I was so tired that two glasses of wine actually made me a bit tipsy so we grabbed a coffee on our way back.

The last panel was Knotts Haunt.  This was a super fun panel.  The guys were really animated and the moderator was rad.  They didn't "reveal" all that much except some new winter maze but it was still fun.

These guys were super fun!

And this one is hot.  I mean - the dude designs Haunt mazes and has tattoos and is a manly man who could hug me and....RAWR!

Gunslinger Maze is apparently going to have Werewolves this year!


At the Q & A they gave out prizes!  Taylor got a bag fool of goodies for asking about the Infected game.  I was jealous!
Don't you want to share?
After that we headed home!

All in all I had a really fun time.  It was totally different than anything I've done before.  If I go again, I'd love to take my mom but we'd only do one day.  (Def VIP though!).  I think two days was a little much for me.  I loved looking at all the cool stuff, seeing some really cool costumes and breaking my convention cherry!  It's a great thing to go to if you are a horror fan for sure!  Thanks to Taylor for hooking us up all weekend!  He's a convention genius!

My cons - crappy party.  So not worth the ticket price.  I mean I didn't even pay for it and I was annoyed.  I wish you got more free goodies.  I see people come back from Comic Con with all kinds of fun stuff, so I was thinking maybe we'd get some.  Alas no.  Better panels.  Haunt and Horror Nights were cool - but I would have liked more like that and more "reveals".  I feel it would have been more exciting to be more in the know.  But maybe that's not what it's about.

My pros - super fun!  Loved people that dressed up.  The zombie game was fun and Meghan really enjoyed the Alone Experience.  They were super organized which was great and impressive for only the 3rd year.  Awesome vendors.  I really liked the mini mazes too!  It was a great way for these people to show off what they can do and make me want to go check out the full mazes!  Slider show was rad.  Blood Drums was rad.  And of course great company!  It was super fun to meet and hang with a new co-worker/friend and Taylor and I always have fun!

I would totally go again!  Looking forward what they put together for next year.

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