Sunday, January 8, 2023

Lake Gregory 2023...

 I've joined Pat & The Hernandez Family twice now to Lake Gregory - usually over Fourth of July weekend.  But this year Mandy wanted a Winter Trip - so off we went in the 1st week of January!  The Hernandez Fam & us headed up on Thursday and Jenny/Tim joined us on Friday.  We also brought our pups!

The Thursday drive up was probably one of the most terrifying drives I've ever done.  It was pouring rain but the scary part was when we were driving up the mountain, visibility was like barely a few feet in front of the truck.  Driving on a swirly small mountain road and not being able to see?!  Ugh.  Let's just say my anxiety was through the roof!

Poe's 1st road trip!

We did get probably the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen on our drive up

Imagine that thick fog/rain driving up the mountain!

Much needed after that drive

Obviously the 1st day we didn't do much due to the rain, but it was nice to just chill and let the dogs get to know each other.  We made tacos that night and watched a movie.

There was a slight pause in the rain so we headed out for groceries

Little rain doesn't stop the BBQ!

Friday the rain cleared up, so Pat, Jose, myself and the dogs took a walk around the lake.  I've pretty much found all the geocaches in that area, but there was one of the cool water ones I never had enough water for - but remembered this time!

Good morning gorgeous!

The dude's cabin we stayed at had chickens!

Icy walk

Love this shot

Saw lots of ice but no snow

Water geocache!

Poe loves his sticks

We did a little shopping in town and then basically just hung around the cabin.  We played pool that night, broke out the onesies and ordered horrible pizza that took like 3 hours to get to us ('s literally down the street). 

That's my kind of bottle

I know how to snack



What is this ancient thing?

The onsie crew

Saturday we did our favorite hike up there - Heart Rock Trail.  It was so pretty!!

Always photographing trees

Heart Rock

Junior Photog

How I got both dogs to look at the camera is a miracle

Tim & Jenny

Me & My Boys

The Hernandez Family

Group Shot 1

Group Shot 2

The family that takes pictures together...

Love to play with the paint setting

Poe the Travel Dog

Took a moment to myself

There was a geocache in there, but I forgot to take a picture.  It was the only one I could find on the trail dammit...

That night The Hernandez fam and myself went bowling while Tim made the most delicious Chicken Skewers I've ever had followed by Oreo Cheesecake that Jenny made.  Love having friends who can cook!

Least I broke 100

Ok a bit better that time

Look at that friggin perfection

Yes they taste as good as they look!


Tim & Jenny were such good sports hanging in and playing this stupid mystery game that everyone else backed out of like bitches.  The Rhodes are def the best puzzle solvers!   


Sunday we basically lazily got up and rolled out before noon.  It was a perfect little get away with great friends!!!  So grateful for times like these!

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