Friday, May 6, 2022


I did it!
I got married again!
But this time I did it right!  I've married a wonderful man and we had the perfect day!  See below for all the fun and fun leading up to it!

So - my sis in law threw me a last minute little brunch/shower one Sunday which was just lovely!

Julie made some amazing desserts!

Such a cute set up!

Love it!

The ladies


Robin refused to get another fork after hers broke

These two....

The laughter never stops

My beautiful mama!

I love Libby.  But she still - to this damn day-constantly fucks with me like a child.  She had untied my dress as I walked by.  Our lives...always.  LOL

Love this girl so much

I look fat as hell here, but I thought it was funny -  must be saying something very interesting...

As the big day got closer, I started to get quite anxious.  It's been a lot of work even though we wanted to keep it low key.  Pat pretty much paid for everything.  I pretty much put the thing together myself since Pat was busy with some unexpected family drama.  My mom and Stacey made the Post Nup Pop in happen.  But it was just us.  It was a lot!  I had to scale back the invite list because I just have too many wonderful people in my life and I couldn't invite everyone.  So we decided on a very intimate ceremony at Santiago Oaks Park followed by a Post Nup Pop in at my moms house.  Since it was at mom's house and low key this shit is still expensive - I basically had to look at my large list of beautiful people in my life and say - "Welp - if we haven't had a relationship other than social media in the last couple of years, I'm sorry."  So I did my best and we tried to keep it under 100.  My dear friend Cori and her husband took our wedding photos and the Pop in pictures are a gathering of pictures people posted, shared, text me.  We had a taco guy, ordered a shit ton of booze from BevMo, had some other snacks, our friend Tim handmade delicious chips and salsa, Libby's sister in law made the most adorable desserts, Shane's buddy has a rental company so we got some high tops and chairs scattered about and then of course mom did her fucking magic and made the place look like a fairy tale.  

This would not have happened without my magic mother.  She has the perfect house and the perfect yard (that everyone kept oooo'ing and awww'ing over.) and she got it all to come together.  Stacey busted her ass and helped out and made the most adorable wooden hearts, box and frame to replace a boring old guest book.  Terri, Robin and Julie arrived at moms during the ceremony to accept deliveries and get everything set up and ready.  My dad pitched in to pay the guitar/violin duet that played beautifully at the ceremony and my dear friend Nancy married us.  Pat's best friend Adam came out from AZ and took care of my boy all weekend.  Talk about coming together.  I could not have made any of this happen without all the help and love and support we had.  I am so damn lucky and grateful I could just burst!

And most importantly I married a wonderful man.  We've been through a lot of ups and downs but we are stronger now and will only get stronger.  We have a beautiful love for each other and I'm so happy we found each other!

So - leading up...

Got pedis a couple days before  

Had dinner with these lovely ladies

Got the table ready for the "In between ceremony and wedding crew" nosh

Pat's best friend was here all weekend and it was so great to have him here!

Got my hair blonded the day before

 The morning of I was really having the nerves kick in for some reason.  Not even sure why!  But I wasn't getting changed until we got to the venue, but Pat got ready at our place and we even had some ducks greet us that morning - so random but I took it as a good sign.

My loves

We arrived at the park and Adam and Tom had already set up all the chairs!  I came trucking up with our ladder and the wreath got hung and we were ready to go.  So I slipped back to the little bridal suite and got ready!  Pictures were being snapped away

My get ready crew

Maid of Honor


Love this girl!

Daddy's Girl

PS Danelle made my gorgeous little bouquet I carried!

Showing off the bestie Tats!



Jeanne & Ted

Love this guy

Taylor and Jaden

 We then heard the music!  Oh my goodness it's time!!!

Shot by Cori

The ceremony was perfect!  Weather was perfect!  Everything was perfect!

Then the ceremony crew went back to our place for a little nosh/chill time before the big party!

The Post Nup Pop in Begins!!!!  The 1st set of pictures are how beautifully it was all set up!  Then scroll ALOT for some fantastic pictures of love and fun on what could not have been a more perfect day!

The set up crew!

About to be packed!

Mom & Keri


April and Jen with their pretty colored hair!

I made sure I ate my fill of the most amazing tacos

Jen, Maria and Rosalinda

The Chapman Girls!



And soon to be wifey Gabby

My bowling crew!

Violet, Anna, Sergio and Jesse

She has the best laugh

Gorgeous desserts!

We have arrived!




Terri, Angela and Dave

Throw Angel into the mix


The play area

Rick and T

Dave with the Gallos

My peeps!

No pictures please!

Pat teaching life lessons


This girl!


Pat and Isaiah

Soon to be mama and dad!

Susie and Kim

The Shouse's

Orange High School Peeps

Handy Elementary Peeps!

Kisses from Kristina

Sean, David, Dea and Jules

Mel, Ber, Jules and Jen

Da Boys

Pat and I then sped away for a one night stay at the hotel we celebrated our 1st anniversary at!  It was a perfect way to unwind and bask in the glow of a wonderful wedding day!

Heading back home as Husband and Wife

We split a yummy dinner

Setting on a perfect day

Done and Happy!

The room was sick!

And there you have it.

Mr. and Mrs. Patrick and Jami Avery (although I am keeping my name...) married May 1st, 2022.  

Cheers to many years together!

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