Sunday, February 7, 2021

More Geocaching Adventures...

 I've noticed some other Geocachers have found like thousands of these things!!  I'm proud of my almost 200 finds.  

But some peeps have like over 20K finds.  MY GAWD.

Anywhoo - working my way to the thousands!  Well...hundreds anyway..

Another park visit - we hit up Steve Ambritz Park in Orange.  It's unfortunately right by a dump site so there's a bit of a smell.  The 1st one we found was a little free library!  These are my favorites.  We knew ahead of time, so Elise and I each brought a book to exchange out.  Found the cache and moved on.

Love Little Free Libraries!

We searched high and low for the 2nd one there, but couldn't find it.  The Santa Ana River Trail is right behind the park, so we walked it a bit and I found one.  I also realized there's a bunch on this trail so a future adventure must happen!

I see you

 Found another great park!  Carbon Canyon Regional Park!  This is def going to be a re-visit!  They have a really beautiful little Redwood Forest!  So rad!  Lots of muggles but I did find a couple!

Pat's eagle eye spotted the fishing line holding this one

That's where it was!


Super Pretty!

I see you

This one had a Travel Bug!  I didn't take it of course because this girl can't fly.  But cool to find one!

Hey there's a dam!

Happy Hot Dog

Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pat and I tried out a new hike!  Was stoked for new sights but it was also loaded with geocaches!!!  There looks to be a whole slew more farther down this trail, but we'd probably need to park closer.  It's the Bell View Trail down in the Rancho Santa Margarita area.  Very cool!  You're basically on a walking trail for a while (Lots of big beautiful homes to see) then it spits you out into the canyon for as far as the eye can see!  I also earned 2 souvenirs!!  Got a total of 14 finds (4 DNF's)!  Apparently forgot to take a couple of pictures, but it was such a successful day!  I think that's the most I've found on one trek!

A pretty start at the mouth of the Trailhead

1st find!  S.P.O.R.

This looked like a creature from a horror flick

2nd find!  This was so cool!  It was inside the fence post!  Left some swag in this one

King of the World

3rd find!

Logging my 4th find!


Number 5!

Number 6!

I was hoping not to pull out another hand or spider....

8th Find!

Yay new trails!

Love these fuzzball flowers

Thought find #9 was in here...

Nope it was in that one

10th find!


Geocaching Couple

12th find was a fun one!


Souvenir #2!

 Hit another Park Day at a new park.  A little one called Cedar Grove. There was one cache there.  It's actually right by Peters Canyon, so we ended up walking over (Elise biking) over that way and walked the flat bottom trail I used to go on all the time.  But this time Pat showed me a little side trail called the Creek Trail!  I didn't even know that was there! There was supposed to be a cache just off that one, but I think I found the destroyed container instead.  I did log it and commented like the guy before me saying I'm pretty sure I found it but I think it's ruined.


This one was a great camo - magnet on the bottom a little walking bridge of the same color!  Pat of course found it.  I really think he's way better at this than me!

I'm pretty sure that was the cache container....

What a pretty little side trail!

There's been this one near work that I've been wanting to hit up, but it's a highly populated Muggle area and tends to be a homeless draw.  But sometimes you can catch it just right and we did this morning!  My friend Jen brought her precious squee pup and and I got to break her Geocaching Cherry!  This was one of those you fill up with water and the cache appears!!  So cool!  The log was too wet to sign, but it got a favorite anyway!

Love this girl!

There it is after I did the water trick!

Headed out to our trails across the street to find a re-hidden cache.  The dude found mine (I was so excited) and he mentioned he re-hid his.  It was one of the places we wanted to hide ours so we were excited to check it out.  Sadly there was some chick journaling or something right on top of it!  Pat and I were so tired from our hike we couldn't wait it out.  But we did find two that day.  So it was a 2 for 4 day.  There's another we looked for I want to go back and try again.  So - we'll be hitting up the trails again to get these!

Nice easy find!

Hey luv!

Such a pretty day for a hike

I see you

We had another day of getting out and finding a new park.  It's the cutest little tucked away pocket park.  On our way we stopped at a shopping center Pat saw one at.  It used to be a school forever ago, but now is a strip mall.  It's so cool to find these little bits of history!  I love geocaching!  They find me parks and history!  We also returned to another park we've been to before to hit up a new one and look for one we've tried to find before.  It was so hard and I finally ended up emailing with the Cache Owner (CO) and they helped me out.  It got a favorite because it was so clever!

This one took us awhile, but one of the comments mentioned great camo and based on the hint we knew the location.  A tough one but we got it!


The cutest little pocket park

Hello cache!  Can ya see it down in there?

This one was a tribute to Wizard of Oz. So cute!

Think that's just a bottlecap?

No it's a friggin cache!!!

So there ya are friends!  

Loving it!

Will keep blogging it!

I will "Cache Them All!"

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