Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Knotts Merry Farm...

I missed out so much on Halloween this year I really want to try to do a bunch of Xmas Stuff!!!
SO - thank you to Taylor - I got to start December off right!

Mom/Keri and Sandy have passes and Taylor got Pat, Elise and I in.  It was a lovely afternoon/evening of Christmas fun!!

Knotts at Christmas time is one of my all time favorite traditions.  I don't know why, but I've loved it since I was a kid.  I love the vendors, the homey decor, the games, the shows, and so on.  Disney is cool and all, but it's kind of Corporate and Shiny to me.  Knotts just kind of reminds of that chill holiday vibe and I love it.

The decor was super cute this year!  Lots of wooden looks which I loved!

Love the reflection in the water!

So pretty

I adore the little schoolhouse!

We made it for the Snoopy Ice Show!

Hi Snoopy!!

This was a super cool scene.  Lots of black and gray - so classic!

So many crazy quick changes!

Saucy Reindeer...

Waiting for the show to start
We saw fun stuff and ate interesting foods.

You could make the water explode on the people in the boats!

Angel Elise

Angel Pat

Angel Taylor

Angel me

Elise made "slime"

I don't get it...


The Christmas Chicago Dog

Holiday Poutine
Then of course tried to take pictures when we could

I love my mama!


The ladies

I need to learn how to shoot a picture when it's really bright in back....I did lighten it up a bit though!
And of course it's always fun to see the "snow".  Our 1st try when everyone was actually together the snow machines kind of pooped out, but later on in the evening Taylor and I got some good snow!


We played games, we shopped, we ate, the boys went on some rides, we explored and we had a festively fun good ol time!!!

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