Wednesday, October 30, 2019

A little dose of Halloween...

So this was a bummer of a time for Jami's favorite time of year.
Nothing tragic, thank goodness, but just the lack of time (and let's be honest...funds) to do as much as I usually cram in during this time.  We had 2 weddings - one in AZ.  I had a show that took so much of my time.  My usual haunting friends weren't as available this year either.  Hell, I didn't even have time to decorate.  So - it was kind of a bummer, but I did squeeze in a few things!  And here they are:

1st up  - I had Elise one day so Pat could attend an event.  What better way to spend the day with a kiddo - Halloween Crafts!  Who better a person to do it with - My mom!!  My mom had also already started her super cute decorating!

Harry Potter themed Dining room

I mean

Creepy HP

Her living room is Nightmare Before Xmas


All the rad crafts mom had for us!

Getting lessons from the pro!

One Friday Night my little photo/adventure group hit up a Haunted Walking Tour in Downtown Santa Ana.  The company is called Haunted OC and they do tours in a few cities.  I've always wanted to do the DTSA one because you know it's totally haunted down there!  Our old theater was in a super haunted space!  The tour was pretty cool.  There was a lot of history and wandering around DTSA.  My only disappointment was we didn't actually go into any of the haunted buildings.  We did get to go into the Waffle Mansion though which was super cool.

Our starting point - the mansion patio

The crew!

That old abandoned building used to be a YMCA where a dude was brutally murdered and he haunts one of the floors.  There's apparently a little girl spirit that wanders around where the pool used to be.

The Old Courthouse - a Judge hung himself here.  There was also a nasty murder in one of the holding areas where people say they hate to go into because it's super creepy

This is apparently going to be a new PHO place soon, but it used to be Mortuary!  My mom totally remembers it too!

This was once a jail!

This used to be one of those places where dead bodies were displayed in the windows to be identified.  WTF!

Jay of course is in town and he hosted a huge OC dinner to say hey to everyone (mostly old Rudies) in the OC.  Now it wasn't haunted persay but he of course brought little Halloween Goodie Bags and I wore my favorite Halloween sundress and new devil horns to celebrate!

The group sans Rick

One Friday Night Pat had Elise, so he got us tickets to a thing called Pumpkin Nights in Pomona.  It was cute but pretty small.  I also would have been more impressed if they were actual pumpkins but most were plastic.  There were pretty cool lights and displays though and it was a nice evening out!

Feed Me!

Caterpillar...these were real I think

A real owl just chillin

Pumpkin Dragon

Pumpkin Turtle

These were actual pumpkins that a dude was live carving

Pumpkin Proposal

Under the Sea!

Our one Photo Op!
So Halloween Day came and I participated this year in our teams group costume.  Miss Gabby came up with the idea for all of us to be Dr. Suess characters!  It turned out super cute!  Another team in our department did Toy Story and took home 1st prize!

Advancement Operations does Dr. Suess!

Strategic Engagement and Development does Toy Story
Here's some more pictures from the Pumpkin Pageant and our Potluck!

Ryan as Rey

Gabby as Horton Hears a Who

Me as Fox in Socks

Evan as Sam I Am

David and team were a team of Jellyfish!  Pumpkin and all!


SMC took home 1st place!

Arriety the Bumble Bee!

It Girls

My potluck contribution


Halloween Night I rushed home to Pennywise it up to hit the streets trick or treating with Pat and his little.  Unfortunately there was some issues there so Pat ended up coming to Orange sans kiddo.  So Pennywise was sitting around for a while waiting and got a little bored so I took this fab selfie....

Wanna float with me
My love showed up and threw on his Georgie outfit and we headed out as what I think was the raddest couples costume EVA!

I'm in love with us!!
We decided to walk to the Circle for some dinner and to check out all the kiddos and fun in Downtown then head over to Taylor's.  We did get a call later that the kiddo was down in Orange at her gramma's so we did swing by and get to see her cute Eleven (Season 1) costume.

I think one of my favorite part of the whole night was when we were walking through downtown I would hear people saying "Look it's George and It!"  Or (the smarter ones...) "Look it's Georgie and Pennywise!"  I loved it!  The kids usually waved hello but the adults were like NOPE.  I even freaked a guy out enough he did this weird little nervous giggle shrink from me when I turned around.  One gal wanted to take our picture and even tho her poor kid was not having it, she was like "Just don't look at them!"  Ha ha ha!!!  She was determined to get our picture.  It really made me feel great and proud of our little costume duo we had going on!  I also loved the fact that my boyfriend was totally down when I suggested it.  I do love him so.  My phone doesn't take too great of pictures at night but here's a few from the evening.

This house had a full blown pirate ship!!!

We then headed over to Taylor's for his always awesome Halloween Bash.  I loved his photo booth this year!  The color seemed to make our costumes pop even more!!

Pennywise and Georgie

Got ourselves a Taylor sammie!!
 A little after Halloween fun - we hit up Coffin Creek with Mandy and her kiddo!  It's out in the middle of nowhere in Norco/Corona area.  I have to say - perfect location!  There was barely anyone there, so I feel like the energy was different and no really great scares.  But major props the talent - they all gave it 100% even though there were just a few of us and they did a great job!  The sets and location is also pretty rad.  But be prepared to walk in a lot of uneven-ness.  One of the mazes was out in the friggin forest area and I almost ate shit so many times.  I also ruined my boots!  Oh well.  We also paid a $5 donation to hold some super cute owls!  Oh and did I mention we started the evening with all you can eat sushi and it was really good!  So def a fun Friday evening out!



Look at the adorable little ball of feathers!!

So another season comes to an end.  I didn't do nearly as much as I love to do but we did get some great times in and made some fun memories!!  And a win win on our costumes!!  Yay Halloween!!

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