Sunday, June 14, 2015

Long Beach Aquarium...

I'm so happy I'm finally starting to really play with my new camera.  I've futzed with it a bit but I actually went out today with the sole purpose to play.

Amber also has a new camera, so we planned a photo day!  Today we thought Long Beach Aquarium would be fun.

Now I am one of the most impatient people on the planet.  Especially when it comes to technology.  Amber is a good friend because she is patient with me.  Within the first 20 minutes of being at the Aquarium I'm already ready to throw my camera against a wall because I couldn't figure it out the
damn thing.  Amber of course patiently says "We're in a really dark part and is probably not the best place to experiment."  She would take my camera from me and show me the numbers I would be screaming at and what they meant. 

Anwhoo as we got going I was getting a bit more comfortable and kept telling myself I'll learn it eventually.  I have the manual now so I just need to take the time and figure it out.  I also felt really good because at my friends dinner tonight, her cousin who is a professional and amazing photographer told me not to worry.  She said digital cameras are tricky, but just read through the manual and play.  You'll figure it out.  She said she had the same issues.  That felt good coming from a professional!

I will.  I'll get it.  In the meantime below are the best photos I feel I took today.  These don't have any work, just re-sized.   I had a ball at the Aquarium with Amber and haven't been in so long.  So a totally great morning!  Enjoy the pictures!


Camera was still a bit dark but these guys totally heard me and posed

I liked the colors

Sea Horsey!!!

Pink Floofs!

Jelly Fish

I love Jelly Fish
Seriously I could watch them all day.  So serene.

This little guy came up to say hi to the lady

He kept swimming by and smiling

Kingfisher gave me his best side

Amber petting the sharks

Then this little guy totally kept swimming up to her to get pet.  He'd roll over on his side when she'd pet him.  So damn cute!

I loved the blue polka dots on these manta rays

Got nectar?

Amber feeding the Lorkeets

Amber got me feeding them too.  I was a little worried...

This bird looks like a stuffed animal

Hi Penguins!

Love this picture

I want a pet otter to swim around in a pool with and play.  I'm so serious.

He looked like an old man


Another Sea Horsey!

Sea Dragon!!

Leafy Sea Dragon!

Fun day of sea friends and camera play!!!

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