Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Camp Pendleton Mud Run...

Last Saturday Fatima and I did The Camp Pendleton World Famous Mud Run

I haven’t done this race before because it’s usually only a 10K.  This year they offered up a 5K and a deal went through our email so we jumped on it.

I was a little nervous this time since I haven’t done it before and thought it was going to be really hard core, but actually it was pretty easy.  I’m really going to be nervous for The Gladiator and might actually kill myself on the Super Gladiator but you’ll have to wait for those blogs when they happen!

Anywhoo, we met up at a Park and Ride and headed down.  I’ve never been to Camp Pendleton and had no idea how huge this place was.  I’m a true hippie at heart so the whole idea of going onto a military base kind of freaked me out.

We pull in to the check in where a Military fellow asked for my license and I tell him we’re here for the race.  He scans my license, reads it and I can’t help but think to myself “Holy shit, a drone is now going to follow me home!”  He then says “So you going to show them all up today?”
Insert Jami not knowing how to flirt/talk to a man/especially a military man moment.

I laugh.  “Oh no, no.” I say glancing in my mirror and noticing the line of cars behind me.  The guy completely threw me off at the fact that he was talking to me and not just moving me through.
“Then you’ll be the smart ones saying Ha! Ya look at me type while the rest are dying!”  I giggle again not quite sure how to respond.  I hear Fatima laughing as well but I blush and feel completely awkward.  “Ok then have fun” and he waves us on. I swear I think he winked.
Fatima then gives me shit and swears he was flirting with me.  I think the child (he looked 15) was just being nice.

Anywhoo – on with the race.

We drive forever (Camp Pendelton is huge!!!!!) then we find out we have to park and then take a shuttle.  My heart drops.  I’m worried I’ll get sick and won’t be able to do the race.  We do our quick pre-race routine and hurry to get in line.  While waiting we snap our pre-race photo:

Then some huge charter busses pull up.  Ok, maybe since they’re big nice busses I’ll be ok.  We get stuck in the back.  Ugh.  It wasn’t too long of a drive but it was enough to give me a slight headache.  Luckily though it wasn’t worse.

We arrive and follow the crowd to the entrance to the race area.  We go through these arches and I have to admit, the military men with the GIGANTIC guns totally freaked me out. 

We enter the race area and I was blown away at the spectacle.  There was so much!!  I haven’t been to a race yet that has had this much stuff before/after the race.  There was a giant flag and a whole bunch of military vehicles that you could take your pictures on.  We actually didn’t do any and I guess I just didn’t think about it.  I was actually a bit disappointed we didn’t but ah well.  I stole this pic so you can get an idea of what it looked like.

We checked in, got our shirts, and checked our bags.   Then did our before photo:

We lined up early for our 10:30 wave and stretched.  I wasn’t feeling 100% and a big worried it was going to affect me but I ended up being perfectly fine.  The MC was great, pumped everyone up.  Told us to shout Oooo-Rah! And off we went.

Now I have to say, it’s still really hard for me to not get frustrated when everyone is passing me as I fall into my power walk.  The little competitive Jami jumps out and I want to run.  Of course my knee promptly tells me no, but man it’s a bummer.  I tried to just shake off the feeling of “sucking” and just stay with my pace.  I know Fatima doesn’t mind pacing me but she’s become quite the athlete and I feel I hold her back.  I need to work on my mindset again and just look at these like I used to – fun, not competition.

Our first obstacle was we got sprayed by some fire hoses.  Very nice.  It was hot out so this felt delicious.

Up next was (and again my memory is never totally accurate so I’m now guessing) was lunges.  We arrive at a bend and we have to put our hands up and lunge across.  I had a little moment of glory as I passed most of the people lunging. 

Then we hit the Cargo Climb.  I was stoked to see that had a fast and a slow one.  I jumped on the fast one but was immediately annoyed because the people above me should have not been on this one.  They should have gone to the slow one.  Sigh.  I waited.  Waited.  Climbing slower than I wanted. 

Then we approached this nutty one.  So I have no idea how long it was but I swear it was like a block long.  There was the black netting low to the ground and you were supposed to Bear Crawl through it.  Holy shit!  Down I went and off I went.  I realized you could pass people pretty easily and I took off.  This is where I shine.  I’m pretty good at Bear Crawling for some weird reason and I started counting the people I passed (Yes, competitive Jami comes out during things like this)  I only crawled on my hands and knees when I hit mud patches because my shoes had no traction.  I PASSED 22 PEOPLE! 

Talk about an adrenaline burst!  I shot out of that thing shouting with excitement.  There were military guys at all of the obstacles and they laughed and high fived my enthusiasm.  When Fatima trotted up to me I shouted “22 people!!!!  I can’t run for shit but dammit I can kill the obstacles!!”  I was so proud of myself.  After that the frustration was gone.  I fell into my stride and was thrilled for the remainder of the race.  I also have to mention I was surprised at the constant bitching.  So many people were whining that it was too long and so hard and ridiculous as I passed them. Pussies.

Next up I think was a mud pit.  They were all at least knee high some waist high.  There was a wall in the middle of this one and military guys were there helping you over with either a hand on the foot or you could step on their knee.  Um – props to those guys.  I chose the step on the knee version and hopped over pretty well.  As I was trolling through the other side this guy fell and grabbed me on his way down.  It pulled me into the mud and as I tried to catch myself I jammed the shit out of my left thumb.  Ouch!  That I would say was my main injury this race. 

Another obstacle was a smaller mud pit but then you crawled through some tubes.  Fun!

As we neared the end of the race there was one of those waist high walls to hop over.  I was surprised to just see one.  Ok.  As we approached the guy went to help me and I just hopped over.  “Impressive!” he shouted.  “I know!” I said laughing.  Another moment of victory. 

Fatima and I rounded the corner and saw the finish line.  A big ol mud pit was there at the end for us.  We trekked through.  I love to get dirty!

Then before you crossed the finish line we were directed down into the mud to do 10 push ups.   Done.

We decided to skip across the finish line!  Super fun! 

Our medals were dog tags!  Love it!

Afterwards we saw Jenny O!  

 She’s a dear friend who came up from San Diego to root us on.  We headed over to take our after shot but unfortunately the computer broke so we didn’t get that picture but Jenny took this one:

The guy sent us our after photo! Yay!!

We then headed back over to the “shower” area.  I donated my shoes (bye bye!!  Been on so many races together!) and got in line. 

Now here – there were a bunch of military folks yelling at us that we only get 3 seconds per water spout.  They were yelling in typical military fashion and cracking us up.   Jenny took a succession of pictures that I posted below and they all make me laugh.  You can tell I was enjoying myself, I think I’m laughing in every one!

Bit cold!

I got goosed!!!

We changed and got some food (which was awesome by the way) and chatted.  Fatima did some shopping and bought me a couple of really great tank tops!  Thanks Fatima!  We didn’t end up walking around but there was a stage and a band playing the whole time, the grass area was covered with families and chairs and blankets, lots of vendors, a fair like area for kids and just a lot of stuff!  I found out that they have been doing this for 21 years and it shows.  Super organized, lots do to, seemed very on top of everything.  I would consider doing it again, maybe actually the 10K!  But we’ll see, it’s starting to get harder and harder for me to recover from these races and knee surgery is looming but I do plan on doing them until I can’t!

Great day!  Love getting durtay!!!!

1 comment:

Renee said...

When you said "military guys with big guns" it took me a minute to realize that you meant real guns and not "guns". They probably had that too. Great post.