Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I love sports.
I do.
I used to play them.  I'm still very active.  I'd like to say I'm not that competitive of a person, but that would be a lie.  I will admit I'm not as angry/competitive as I used to be, but I still am quite competitive.  Usually with myself.  This happens when I watch sports as well.  I forget this is the case until I go to a game.

Like last week.

My dear friend Tully had fancy baseball tickets from his company.  He invited a couple that are good friends of his and me.  The gal had to back out last minute so we invited our friend Dave who is an avid Angels fan.  Now, I am a Cubbie fan 1st.  I know.  But it's a hard fact.  I'm an Angels fan 2nd.  I'm not one of those sports fans who watches them on TV all the time.  I keep abreast of my favorite teams and how they are doing, but that's about it.  BUT, I do love a good live sporting event.  So I was so excited to go and have such awesome seats.

We arrived early and when we walked into the Diamond Club I squealed with excitement.  The boys were laughing at me the whole time, but I am never quiet about my excitement.  Our seats were fucking amazing.  I have never had such awesome seats for a ballgame.  I didn't even need my glasses.  Take a look at this:

I was so friggin excited!!!!  So we got to our seats quite early and had a waiter!!!  That's right - a dude actually served us!  I ordered a wine, which was actually good wine, and a giant hot dog (which I promptly regretted later) and of course some peanuts.  I'm mean what's a ballgame without peanuts!  Now, I admit, this is not the way I usually watch baseball.  I actually am annoyed with Angels stadium because there's a waterfall and weird sponsorships everywhere and little girls shooting T-shirts, etc.  My experience at Wrigley Field years ago was a real baseball experience and my favorite to date.  But - it's nice to see how the 1% live once in a while.  So, I savored every second.  Here was our crew:  Me and the boys.  I'd also like to point out the hilarious little photo bombing girl in the back:

The game got underway after many sponsorship plus and I found myself getting super invested.  There were a couple of old guys behind me - an Angels and A's fan, so it was hilarious to listen to the 2 of them all night.  Sadly the Angels played like shit.  I didn't know who the pitcher was but was heartbroken it wasn't the cute one!  Le sigh.  He sucked.  As did the kid that replaced him later.  Harris (don't recall the 1st name) who played shortstop was awful.  He missed so many easy balls that he should have had.  I found myself screaming from my seat and getting quite angry.  Oooooohhhh, that's right - I'm competitive!  The boy were cracking up at me the entire time.  I'm so glad I can still always entertain.  There was also a short fellow who you think would run fast, but no.  Every time he hit, he got out at 1st base.  I turned to David and shouted.  "Why is he running so slowly!!!!!?” 
Anywhoo - this was me the whole game.

Some interesting happenings - a foul ball got hit and came over the net - right at us.  Normally I would try to catch it, but after the whole June incident I found myself diving for cover while everyone around me jumped for the ball.  It bounced off Ed's hand and into the hands of the jackasses next to us who were only there for 2 innings.

Another foul ball ricocheted off the level above us, then off the wall in front and slammed into a poor woman's face.  Blood spurted from her mouth and security came running down.  Poor lady.  She seemed to be ok, and more mortified by the spectacle being made.  I about died when a kid who looked to be about 15 years old showed up with an oxygen tank.  "Just get the poor women some ice!" I shouted.  I watched her sign her life away (I guess that's a big ol deal now a days) and then she was ok.  The funnier thing - the gal who was singing the take me out to the ballgame song ended up standing in front of the poor face women.  Here's the camera guy and the singer and the poor bloodied woman just trying to go unnoticed.  I couldn't help but laugh.  All the crap happening outside the game was way more interesting than the game itself.

The Angels were slaughtered but deserved it.  And I was reminded how much of a sports fan I really am.  I had so much fun and just absolutely love watching a live game, no matter what sport - nothing beats live!!! 

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