Thursday, March 7, 2013

My Birthday

So I’m finally getting around to writing about my birthday! I would like to say I’m doing this on my brand spankin new laptop, but I’m still trying to figure out how to work the thing. Le sigh. I am no techie that’s for damn sure.

Anywhoo – My birthday! For weeks I have been going back and forth on what to do. Since the whole head thing last year I feel I need to grasp every moment and hang onto it because I don’t know when it will happen again. I am so grateful to be here and felt I should certainly celebrate! I used to throw myself birthday parties all the time, as well as Halloween parties, Xmas parties, themed parties etc. But I must admit, as I’ve gotten older and broker I’ve backed away from throwing as many because they are just exhausting and a bit pricy. Some years I have ignored my birthday not wanting to acknowledge the fact that I’ve turned yet another year older and not moved forward in life at all. These were of course in my more depressing years. But this year it’s different! Now, it’s not a special number – 37 – not exciting – but still. I’m alive. So began the anxiety of what I should do. I’m moved into a fab new little pad and really wanted to have people over, but unfortunately my summer loving ass was born in the coldest part of winter and it would be outside because my place is too small. Plus I was going to a matinee show that day and wouldn’t have much time to set up, etc. My bday fell on a Sat night, meaning I wanted to do something even more but the thought of going anywhere on a Saturday night just made me cringe. I thought of a dinner, but know I’m the type to worry that everyone will pay enough and enough of a tip and I didn’t want to assume someone would pay for me but would they because I’m broke and on and on and on as my mind tends to do sometimes. I also was hesitant to have people over due to the fact that I have no money right now and I’m known for my parties and I can’t spend anything so this literally would have to be a “You bring me food and booze” party. Sigh. I’m exhausting just re-typing what my head was doing a month prior February 23rd. Which is what happened about a week before. I finally said fuck it and sent a text to some closer friends inviting them over for a mellow chill night to celebrate m bday and did a FB post day of. Keri had a fire pit and mom was bringing a heater so let’s just do it. And so came to be one of the best birthdays I’ve ever had!

I woke up and went to my Boxing Burn. Kris made me work harder as a happy birthday, which I love. I came home showered and got prettied up go see Wicked. My boss had given me her 2 subscription seats and I was bringing my friend Susan who was obsessed with the show. All throughout the day I was trying to keep up with my fabulous FB bday wishes and phone calls and texts, smiling giddily at each one. When we arrived, Susan promptly bought us drinks and booked our drinks for intermission. Our seats were incredible! This was our view:

The show was fun. I wasn’t blown away, but did enjoy it for sure. The little gal who was Glinda had me in stiches with her physical comedy and the green witch had an incredible voice that gave me chills at times. Susan was in tears many times and the part where the girlfriends are singing to each other that they are better people since they have each other in their lives I took Susan’s hand and we cried together. I mean we have been friends for like 30 years or something. When the show was over Susan asked me if I wanted socks or a raffle ticket for my bday present. I was thinking the socks, but we passed a stand that was overcharging people to take this silly photo. Since it was dorky and a photo I opted for this instead:

I rushed home and bundled up and people began to arrive. Many bottles of wine and some presents were brought. Food and love as well. I ended up with about 30/40 folks coming and going. At one point I stood by myself and looked over the many different little groups chatting and laughing together and it hit me. I bring people together. I’m one of the few people in our world of friends that crosses over into so many different groups – family, theater, kickball, bowling, work, childhood pals, etc. I realize why so many people love to come to my gatherings – they get to see people they don’t get to see all the time. As I was realizing this, Mel came up to me and gave me a big hug. “I’m so glad I came and got see everyone! I haven’t seen Norm in ages!”

And there it was.

Later in the evening T, Susan and Robin pulled me inside to open their gifts which included a gorgeous Calvin Klein sweater, a photo collage of my now teenage godson and me and of course – Wicked socks. Sneaky Susan. As the last two girls stumbled into their ride home (they got picked up, no drunk driving) I returned to my new little pad and cleaned up, opened all my cards and set out all my goodies. It was 12:45 at night and I started to cry. I am so grateful. I went to bed with a huge smile on my face. It was the perfect birthday.

PS Did I mention I ended up with 11 bottles of wine, even though we drank 7 at the party!

The next day it didn’t end, I headed to my grandparents to visit and get my present that my gramma was itching to give me. I spent time with them and even got a smile out of my Papa when I teased him that he had an almost 40 year old granddaughter. “No! “he shouted with a twinkle in his eye. He held my hand with tears in his eyes and told me he loved me more than I will ever know. I smiled through my tears and kissed his forehead. Next stop was my dad’s. He and Lori had come to my shin dig but my present from him was a laptop. He wanted to take me to buy one. YAY!!!!!! At the cash register at Fry’s I broke down again. “Are you crying?” my dad asked laughing. “Yes” I muttered. “Stupid head explosion has made me a sap”. “Are they tears of joy?” he asked. “Yes” I said trying to wipe them away. “Then good. Happy Birthday Honey”.

Now I have the task of figuring out Windows 8, how to move my iTunes over and what kind of free photo program I should download so I can re-size my pictures. Oh lord. Ha ha!!!

So that’s that. My perfect birthday weekend. I am so very lucky. So very loved. So very grateful to have so many wonderful friends and family in my life. Thank you.

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