Monday, February 4, 2013

Just some funnies...

So sometimes I like to share random happenings that may make you laugh or smile at my expense. I do sometimes believe that I was put on this earth to entertain so here ya go!

Warning: This 1st bit may be a bit graphic. So I was cutting a bagel a couple of weeks ago with my new paring knife from Fresh & Easy. I was wondering to myself if it’s a good one and BAM. Sliced the shit out of my thumb. I mean the kind of slice that blood gushes out of like a dam burst and it looks like your thumb now has a mouth. I run to the bathroom getting blood everywhere and hold it under cold water. As I’m trying with my good hand to get the Neosporin and band aids out, this is turning into a comic routine. Applying pressure, washing the gushing wound, trying to get a band aid open and on as well as the Neosporin with one hand is not easy. I succeeded. It took a few days of tight band aids to get the wound to start to heal. I actually think I probably should have gotten stiches but we seem to be ok now. On to funnier part – so this past Saturday morning, I’m cutting a bagel again with the very sharp paring knife from Fresh & Easy and I say out loud to my cats “Boy, I hope I don’t slice my finger again!” Before the word again is out of my mouth followed by a chuckle – BAM! I slice the damn finger AGAIN!!!!!! I couldn’t believe it. I screamed out loud to the girls “THAT JUST FUCKING HAPPENED!” as I’m running to the bathroom to rein act a few weeks prior’s comic routine. Luckily this cut wasn’t as gnarly, but I have two – yes two – slices on my thumb now right next to each other. Awesome.

So I’ve moved into a new pad, and I’m getting used to the new sounds. I keep hearing these rat-tat-tat noises on my roof. The girls and I both hear them, so I’m not hallucinating. WTF! It’s at all hours. I have found out there is a squirrel that likes to climb in the giant tree over my house and drop these pod things on my roof. Bastard.

There is apparently a college house a few houses down from me. It’s either a frat house or just a house with college boys, but there have already been a couple of large parties. The 1st one was during the day, and ended early it seemed. But the other one was HUGE. I came home late one Sat when apparently the cops had just broken it up. There were hundreds of kids walking down my street shouting and drinking. Luckily it was breaking up, so that didn’t last long, but when the hell did parties get so epic? Tying to this – a few days later I met our neighbor. She stopped by my house to introduce herself and I believe she is quite excited about gossip, or just really excited to tell me this: “So YOU know we had that awful party the other night right?!” I nod “Well, my son went out after it broke up to get something from his car and there was a couple HAVING SEX ON KAREN’S LAWN! Just right there in the open her ass straight up in the air! Can you believe it! Cars drive by, they don’t care!” I wasn’t sure if I was more in awe by the actual sex event or the fact that this is how she introduces herself to me.

And my last little tidbit is a bit corny and I am probably going to come off as a freak – but I’m really hoping it’s a sign. So you know I put my request for a man out there a few blogs back. Well I’m now seeing hearts everywhere! And no – it’s not because of V-day. I was in the shower one morning and two of the droplets on my shower curtain made a perfect heart. I point this out because it was such a perfect looking heart and I've never seen droplets look that way! Then I was washing my hands at a public sink and the reflection in the handle made a heart. It was the combo of shadow and the person behind me and light and it made a perfect heart. My girls were curled up on the couch together, which they rarely do anymore, and they were a perfect heart shape. Of course they moved when I tried to take a photo. Then this post popped up on my newsfeed right when I was thinking to myself how funny it is that I see hearts everywhere:
So maybe….just maybe it may be coming my way???? I don’t know, it may be false hope but I think it’s cute and it’s making me smile. Hope my ridiculous ramblings keep you entertained!

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