Sunday, February 13, 2011

I love my Papa...

I know you all know this.
I know you all know I love this man so much it makes my heart hurt.
But I want to write a little blog about what happened today. Sunday's I'm on grandaughter duty and usually head over to my grandparents for a few hours to help them out since Sunday is the only day they dont have a care giver or ma there. Well mom relays to me last night, that Papa wanted me to pick up a dozen roses for gramma for Valentine's Day. He gets her roses every year, and since he cant get them himself now it has fallen into my hands. I choose to go to Albertson's because I REFUSE to hit a flower shop that is going to charge something equal to a mortgage payment for a shotty couple of flowers. I look at every single arrangement trying to find the best one. I of course probably take more time then I should have, but I wanted a pretty one. I finally settle on one set (Still a little irrirated at the price, but its less then a flower store) and make my purchase. I pick up Starbux for us all and head over. The front door is wide open, so I sneak around the back and put them down in a shady spot. I then come in the front with my usual hellos and slip the little card into Papa's hand telling him the flowers are outside. Gramma of course is wondering what he has and I shout out her to get her ass in the kitchen to help me out. She shuffles in mumbling that I dont need to be so bossy. (Nosey little butt). I stall her in there why I watch Papa struggle to fill write ont he little card. When gramma starts heading back in, I bee line for Pops who says he's done and wishes he could write better. I grab the card, tell gramma I forgot something in the car and run out to grab the bouqet. I look at the little card. All it says is "To My Love". Tears well up in my eyes. He loves her so much. I have to pause as I stare down at the little card with the shaky writing that says simply. "To My Love". I shake it off and prance in the door to gramma's beaming face. Papa is standing now, and she shuffles over to him saying this deserves a kiss. I go to the kitchen to add more water to the vase and not interrupt thier little moment. I hear the little lovey words and smooches behind me and smile. 96 years old and 92 years old and the love these two has for each other blows my mind every time. As I leave the house I break down crying. It's so hard to love someone so much. I hope everyone can.

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