Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Holidays have arrived....

Warning - this blog may be another nonsense rambling one...although when I come to think of it which one of my blogs are not just that right?
Anyway - the holidays are here. Christmas Eve is 2morow! My plans of the day are still up in the air. This is the 1st year in who knows how long I have nothing to do. The holidays are a little tricky this year. Papa's health of course kept the question raised of where/what we would be doing with them. But he's doing ok, so it looks like Ma will be bringing them over here Xmas day for a while, then I'll be having dinner with dad later that night. Shane/D are on a plane to Ireland as I type. Ma is housesitting thier place, and the roomie has flown home. So here I am at the house with just the kittehs and Smokie, and will be all through the holidays (with the exception of Xmas). Whats weird? I dont care. My normal M.O. would be to get depressed, cry, feel lonley, etc. It isnt 2morow eve yet, so I cant guarantee this will last until then, but I actually think it will. I'm finding myself in a different place these days. Yesterday was a testament to how much I actually like where I work now. We had a huge holiday party - I guess they do this every year, and its the entire faculty/staff so there was like 400 people or something. Party went till noon and then everyone was pretty free to go home. Now - I still had about an hours worth of work to do. Normally when everyone is gone and I'm stuck still working, I'm furious and want to leave so bad and get angry, etc. Yesterday - I didnt. My boss was even saying "Woman go home!". I just had to make a quick deposit - its not like I was going to be there long, but I was ok with it! It was so bizzare! How fascinating is it to actually like where you work!!!!! (We wont discuss the downpour I got caught in whilst making said deposit). Having a job I dont despise has made quite a difference in my life. I'm hoping to hell Mitzy is right that now everything will start falling into place. The other day I thought to myself...2010 was not horrible, but a bit of a stumble. 2011 will be getting me geared up for an amazing 2012. I dont know why I feel this way but I do. I read a funny little article (in Cosmo no less) about the difference between women in thier 20's and women in thier 30's. It was spot on. I was cracking up. Maybe this is why I feel like things are changing in my life? Yes its a long slow change, but its still change. Who knew Cosmo would point that out so simply. Things are not perfect of course - my financial situation is still grim. The car fix, and the recent vet bill (Dont worry..kittehs are fine) knocked me back pretty hard. Of course the holidays always hurt as much as I try to budget. So thats a bit rough. I'm still single and not sure if I'm ok with it or not. I dont think I am since every guy who smiles or talks to me nicely I'm instantly picturing us in bed or dating or whatever. I also still curse at romantic movies and screech at whoever is with me what bullshit it is. Hmmmm ya...still need to work on that one. And of course still livin with Ma due to the financial hurdles. But - I'm working on it all. The training is starting to sort of pay off. My muscles have returned, I can fit in my pants and I'm noticably in better shape - but I have a long way to go. I'm learning patience people. I hate it but I'm learning it. Things are moving upward they really are - they're just taking a really really long time.
Anywhoo - Year End Blog comin soon I'm sure, I have some time off so I'll have a moment. So happy holidays to my readers! May your Christmas be lovely! I may be dancing around my house in my Xmas underwear drinking a bottle of wine and singing Xmas carols to myself and I'm totally looking foward to it!

1 comment:

Rose said...

Sounds like you're doing awesome lady! Those are some big changes :) So, so, so happy things are on the upswing!