Tuesday, December 28, 2010


The year is almost over. Every single time this year I think "Holy Shit! The year is over?!" But who doesnt. I got on iPod for Xmas, so as I sit here trying to finish uploading the last of my music (Not sure if you knew I was a music whore...this is a long process), figured what a good time to pop out my year end blog. I must say, as I've mentioned before - something's changing in my life. I think this year was the start, next year will be more changing and somewhat of a prep and 2012 will be my year. I dont want to put expectations on one particular year, but 2012 is the Year of the Dragon and we all know what that means. But who knows. I hope to continue with these slow changes in my life. I'm really hoping for a major upswing in the financial situation, but again we'll see. For now: 2010.
NYE started of lovely - Lumberjack party at my bro's and ended up with a fun hook up in the process. January was the month I got glasses. During the prior few months, I noticed I was squinting at street signs and having a hard time reading things on the TV or movie screen. Age sort of bitch slapped me. I've had perfect vision my whole life. I go visit this Aussie eye fellow - and he tells me I have a very mild case of near-sighttedness. He doesnt know why, said its actually unusual for someone with perfect vision to start having issues at my age, but says not to worry and honestly doesnt think it'll get any worse. I'm only to wear them when I need them. So driving at night and when I watch movies/tv/plays that are a bit far away - I wear them. What can I say - I know I can pull of the cute librarian when I want :). January was also full of Revenger's Tragedy rehearsals. This is the show that ended up being something I loved and hated at the same time. We were supposed to open in January, permits fell through at the new MWC space, then the next few months became are we going to do it? If so where and when. The damn thing got post-phoned and moved so many times it sort of killed the love for the show. But - my little brother was in it as a small role and I did really dig the show and the people in it and it did end up being awesome. But Lawd.
Nothing too exciting happening in Februrary except of course my birthday! We hit up the District Lounge again. That seems to be becoming my birthday hang out. A faboo crew came out and we had a great night. There was also a bowling night in there somewhere, but I point this out because I was reunited with a friend of mine from HS. He's a great person and I was so glad he popped back into my life. Also during this time I was starting to fall for said NYE hook up not knowing what was ahead. Also Revengers...still rehearsing and unsure.
Another nothing really to report (I guess I had kind of a slow start to the year). Except Revengers finally opened!!!!! Yay! We had only 2 days of tech in the brand new spot we had available to us and had to completely change the staging. It was nerveracking, alot of work, alot of blood sweat and tears but the damn thing finally went up and was quite well recieved. Being in a show with my lil bro made it all worthwhile. He made me so proud! I know he'll never do it again though! ;)
We closed Revengers in April. So proud, so happy. In April, mom and I also went and saw Stomp - I had got us tix for her bday and we had a fantastic time as always.
Both of us such huge fans of the group. April also of course brings Coachella! No need to go into detail here, as all you readers I'm sure read the Coachella day blogs. But of course - an always memorable time with my girls!
Lesseee...May's highlights would include the music of course. Our annual trip to Doheny Blues fest falls in here - again no details needed as it has its own blog, and T and I took E to see Massive Attack for her bday present. We had a great time and I absolutley dug Massive Attack! Wasnt familiar with them, but am now a fan! We also made to and Angels game this month, and it was a particularly fun evening becuase our friend Vinnie who I adore - pretty much treated me, D and Nat to the whole evening. So much fun! May also brings the annual White Trash BBQ. I have had to miss it the past few years due to my Havasu trips, but didnt make it out there this year so was able to make an appearance in my WT get up with Tab soda and Twinkies in hand. As per usual The Matzkanins threw a fabulous party! This was also the month my heart got a little broken, because dumb me had started falling for the previous mentioned fellow only to get slapped in the face. There's a blog about that one too :)
We're now rollin into Summer - my FAVORITE time of year, so I'm sure I was in much better spirits all around. We started the month off seeing my friends Susy and Mark tie the knot, then immediatly after said wedding - T and I blast off to LA to see LCD Soundsystem.....aaawwweeesssooome!!! Other highlights were our SATC girls day out (Altho only 3 of us made the movie), Seeing my darlin Shan sing, another round of Gogol Bordello and ended the month off in Palm Springs for Robin's bday weekend and flying back in time to make T's mom's 70th.
July of course brings Kelly's Beach - again it has its own blog, but always an adventure. July was also full of artwalks and outside events which I always love as well as a visit to Pageant of the Masters which as usual was very beautiful. July 4th weekend was a blast - had a nice party on the 3rd with great friends and spent the 4th BBQing with my gay husband.
August highlights finally got me to the OC Fair, again lots of summer events, Simon's 1 year bday, the Foodie Fest and seeing another set of friends get married. This particular wedding was at a Winery and was very beautiful. These are my Ken/Barbie friends - yes they are that pretty. The the biggest change in August was the Chapman job offer. Yup - as you all know I have a new job. At the time of course I didnt realize what a difference it would make, but it has really been the best decision I could have made. It was hard, stressful, uncomfortable and nerve racking but I did it. I got it. And I dig it.
September's highlights are the Street Fair - we always have a blast of bike riding, drinking and eating way too much all weekend. More lovely outside events....God I love summer....and of course the best moment all month - Muse. They again have thier own blog, but what an amazing show.
October is pretty much when kickball and my training started. So this was a good thing. I was starting to try to get my fat ass back in shape. Also saw yes some MORE friends tie the knot in a beautiful very windy wedding down in Long Beach. I was able to hit San Clemente for one day/night (the new job did unfortunatly get in the way of that vacation). I saw a good amount of theater this month it seemed. I also had a bit of a party month. One weekend was a friends Tim Burton themed party - I was a hit. The next month was a surprise bday party for Lori then the next weekend was Halloween! My Jay had a party up in WeHo this year that was faboo as usual and my busted up doll costume was a hit. Our usual trip to Haunt was also a blast.
November was filled with more theater, kickball, training, dinners and a couple of parties. Lots of time with friends and family and of course Thanksgiving. It was at the bro/sis-in-law's place this year and was really nice!
More parties - a pajama Xmas party, a rave themed bday party and of course Christmas!!! Which was lovely.
So here we are at the end of 2010.
I can finally not say what a horrible year. Its been of a year of lots of slow change - change I didnt even realize was happening. And I'm still changing which is really weird but good. I handle life differently. As always, it seems friendships change. I'm starting to spend more time with less people. Dont get me wrong - I love all my friends, all the parties and gatherings, etc. But I'm truly valuings those one on one times with the friends that truly understand and support me. My trust in people and what I share with people has altered. When it comes to men, I'm even a bit different. I'm more open to giving things a chance, but if its not going anywhere and I'm not feeling that connection - fuck it. I honestly dont want to waste my time. I think this whole self discovery thing is affecting that for sure. I'm also starting to accept myself for who I am. And I like it. I know I'm a good person. I know I'm an even better friend. So take it or leave it.
SO thats it I guess! 2010 is driving to a close. I'll be bringing in the new year in jammies with whoever comes over.
I hope 2011 brings all you readers nothing but peace love and happiness. I know it sounds corny - but its true.
Happy New Year everyone!

1 comment:

seth said...

Happy New Year! All in all it sounds like 2010, wasn't too bad. I do hear you about the vision thing though. Good luck in 2011 and especially 2012!

I'll probably wish you good luck again between now and 2012, just so you know.