Monday, December 8, 2008

F the Po-Po...

I dont like cops. I never have. I rarely have had a run in with one when they haven't been a complete ass or power hungry or whatever. I'm not saying all cops are pricks, but I have yet to meet a nice one thats for sure.
I seem to remember I've had most problems with cops in the city I'm now living in again with mom. I had another example today. I'm going to let it go but I had to blog a small rant about it.
I'm sitting at the light on Walnut/Tustin. A cop is 2 cars behind me and in the left hand turn lane. Light turns green, I head straight. I notice the cop pulls out of the left lane and follows behind the car behind me. The car behind me turns. The cop follows me and turns on his lights. I'm thinking "What the hell did I do?" My registration isnt due until next month. I'm not speeding. I'm not on my cellphone. WTF.
He walks up to my window and says "Nice to see your now wearing your seatbelt". I'm baffled. Little side note here: I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt. Ever since I grew up with Mom/Dad both saying the second my brother and I would sit down in the car "Put on your seatbelt!". Its seriously imbeded in my head. Its habit. I always - get in my car - put on my seatbelt - start the engine and head out. ALWAYS.
So. I'm baffled. "I was wearing it" I say. "Not when you were at the light at Tustin/Walnut" he says. I'm getting irritated because I was and I'm thinking how the hell do you argue with a cop. "Yes I was" I say again. Mind you I'm being very polite, just a bit confused. I'm wearing a hat and a fluffy coat...maybe the dude didnt THINK I was wearing it or didnt see it due to the coat fluffyness (Note to self, dont drive with this coat on again...), but I was. I hand him my license and open my glove box to get my registration. "Its ok, I dont need your registration". I'm starting to think - this dipshit totally made a mistake and wont admit it. He then rattles off these questions: "Have you ever gotten a ticket" "No" I say "Never?!" he says. "No" I say. "Have you ever been arrested, been in jail, on probation". To of course I answer all no's. He then asks if I live in the city. (Of course my license still has the old addy on there). "I do now" I say, "I moved back a few weeks ago". "Let me verify you, then you'll be on your way". He goes to the car with my license and I'm sitting there stewing. He's a young cop, probably very very new to the job. He has a horrible weird tooth sticking out and is wearing those lame "I'm a badass" cop glasses. I want to jump out of my car and shout "You made a mistake you stupid little child!!! Admit it!". I dont. He comes back, gives me my license and says "Your lucky".
Oh lord. Let me tell you....This was one of those moments I had to bite my tongue. I'm not very good at doing this, especially when I'm already annoyed because I did nothing wrong and he fucked up but then he says "Your Lucky?" I'M LUCKY!!!!! I'M LUCKY YOU ASSHOLE! YOUR THE ONE THAT IS A FUCKING MORON AND CANT SEE THAT I HAD MY SEATBELT ON! Of course I dont say this. I just say "Thank you" through gritted teeth and fume the rest of the way home.
WTF was that all about? Did he need to feel manly? Does he have a small penis? Did he want to feel powerful cuz he was a cop? Did he think I was cute and pulled me over to check me out then realized how old I was and thought differently? He obviously mistakenly thought I wasnt wearing my seat belt then realized his mistake but would not admit it.
What pisses me off also, is what if he did write me up? How the hell could I prove that I was not in the wrong at all??!!! This douchebag could have fucked up my lil no ticket record which I'm very proud of! No he didnt, but still. Talk about irritating.
Welcome back home Jami. Jesus.


Rose said...

what a fucktard! omg! argh!

Wombat said...

What a dick. I never felt one way or the other about cops until a few years ago.

I was driving home after a really bad theatre experience. I'm already crying, then I see the flashing lights behind me. I pull over and this enormous cop tells me to get out of the car. ??? He says that I didn't stop within an acceptable time frame. Again - ???

I answer that yes, I know I was speeding, but I had no idea he was behind me. Then I start sobbing hysterically because I've had such a suck-ass day. I was not, repeat, NOT, trying to get out of a ticket - I was really upset.

Does this behemoth show one once of compassion? No. He says if I don't stop crying, he's going to take me in!


Jekkia said...

I agree.
F-U-C-K (repeat 1,000 or more times)
the po po.
Genius here hit a parked larger than life truck on a 2 lane road in yorba tuckey.
Another car was being loaded into it- thats how big this truck was.
Dumb ass had expired regristration (my bad yes).
In short:
truck belongs to a cop; who's cop buddy was there.
I loose my side mirror. He has a minor scratch.
1500 dollars later in cash; the fuck face reports me to the DMV.
Licence suspension 1 year starting...drumroll Christmas Eve.

No sppeding tickets. No accidents I was at fault in.
My insurance was 40$ a month. SHAME on me for not following the rules.

Yes, It's my fault- but still- Fuck em'
