Thursday, January 17, 2013

Cold, the tumor, some art and activity...

In that order: SO - was ready to jump back into activity and smack. Cold/Flu. Had that for a week. Cold also meaning the place I live in now has no insalation and we have had the coldest cold snap I think SoCal has ever seen. Really?! It was 30 degrees a few mornings. Ice on my windshield. ICE!!!!! I feel like I'm camping when I sleep because I have about 10 blakents piled up on me and the little piece of flesh that may peer out freezes. In the mornings have this awesome dance of plugging the heater in the living room area as to not blow a breaker, shut the door part way so the heat can get in, turn on the fan to suck up the steam so the smoke alarm doesnt go off and dance around my scalding hot shower trying to warm up but any part of me not in the water gets cold. This has been my mornings as of late. I long for summer. But I love my new place! Yes it's cold and yes the power is a little iffy but it's mine and it's cute and I'm happy. :) The tumor. I had my follow up with tumor doctor. He showed it to dad and I on the MRI. So weird. It's sitting on the lower balance nerve in my brain/ear canal it looks like. There is a high chance I will lose my hearing in my right hear should it grow/move/hiccup. He tells me I have 2 choices. Take the fucker out now or MRI it in a year and see if it has grown. It hasnt grown since the found the thing in ICU in June so that's good. If I remove it now there is a 70% chance of hearing preservation which is apparently very good. Of course there is a risk of me losing my hearing with they take it out. As the doctor begins to tell dad and I what the 5 HOUR SURGERY entails as if he's describing a ball game (involving peeling back my scalp, removing bone, taking fat from my stomach to cushion it when they close it cuz my BRAIN IS EXPOSED) and my dad and I's chins on the floor I decide to wait. He assumes the tumor is fucking up my balance/dizzys but isnt positive. My hearing is awesome right now so - since it isnt ruining my lifestyle at the moment we wait. If the thing has grown even a tiny bit when we MRI it again next January it most likely is scalp peel back time. If I notice any change in balance/dizzy or my hearing this year I'm to immediatly have an MRI. SO, here's to hoping I dont lose my hearing and the little bastard doesnt grow. Some art! I took an art class tonite with an amazon coupon deal Ber and I got and although the man was a little odd, we had fun! Ber is already quite the artist but I have never drawn. I've sort of tried, got annoyed and quit. I've never been good at it nor had the patience to try. Well, since I'm not doing as much theatre as I usually do, I have found myself drawn to doing crafty stuff or at least exploring it a bit. Like the mini alter I blogged about. I was so surprised that I actually did pretty good. Well tonite the man said I was quite good and he was surprised I have never drawn before. Ber also told me I did a good job so this gives me a bit of hope that maybe I dont suck as much as I thought :) I'd like to dabble in this a bit more, so maybe next paycheck I'll pick up a sketch pad or something. I also want to try to make fun little things for co-workers and friends and am finding a lot of cute things on Pintrest so we'll see where that goes as well. I'm really enjoying this new found longing to do more of a variety of things! I want to blog more, but the computer I'm currently using isnt the best so I have stopped the Writers Book of Day blog as you probably have noticed but I was pretty much done anyway. I really did enjoy what it got me to do and when I have the time I plan on going through all of the blogs I wrote and highlighting some stand outs for sure! I'm pretty excited to do this! Here's my start at drawing. Not totally lame right?
Activity! I signed back up with Boxing Burn!!!!! It felt great! They were happy to see me back and I havent really lost my strength which is great. I find I dont hit as hard though since I dont have frustration I feel I need to get out. Since I'm a bit chiller now I'm not looking to beat the hell out of the bags anymore. I do notice a difference for sure. When the hit racks the body like they do it's tough, so that's also why I'm not going as nuts as I previously did. I did have a moment on Monday night after a really vigorous portion that the blood was rushing through my body and my face and my head like it does and I stood there. Scared. A woman who knows me asked if I was ok. "I'm scared" I said. She smiled and said "Hell I would be terrified!". The moment past as I talked myself down but it's going to be a little scary at 1st I know. I'm sore but the good sore. I went again last nite and am so so very happy to be at this again. I also cancelled my membership to Fitness 19. Walking into the place made me break out into a cold sweat and I did my best to keep it together as I signed the cancellation slip. It may be silly but I just dont want to go there anymore. It's fine too, because I dont really plan on getting back into the weight training I was doing since I cant really lift alot and I'd much rather do my cardio outside. Walking or riding my bike so no regrets there. I've also started up another bowling league that's on Tuesdays and is just two person teams. I adore my teamate so we'll have fun I think. The Thursday one was just a little too serious for me. So there it is, my little update. I'm learning to budget a bit now that I"m back out and still a bit buried in loans. I'm getting active again which is awesome. I'm getting more into artsy crafty stuff and looking forward to my new adventure in my little pad.

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