Wednesday, July 31, 2024

July Dump...

Boy it's hot again. 
Summer rolled in with a vengeance.  Or maybe I just don't handle the heat as well.  Or maybe both.  LOL.
Anywhoo - July Memories!

So fourth of July weekend is my least favorite holiday of the whole year. Aside from the extra time off work - there is nothing I like about it.  Fireworks start up. We're right next to Grijalva Park which hosts a "3rd of July Celebration" so we pretty much get trapped in our complex that night and it's loud as hell.  Poor Poe does not handle fireworks well now, so we've been holing up in the house trying to keep him and Luna calm.  We're probably ditching town next year.  But with the long weekend came time - so we did a couple DIY projects!

Pat and I are NOT DIY people at all, but we did pretty good!  We're planning on making a board with a bunch of our cool wine labels to eventually hang in the dining room, so we got started on that.  We turned our coat closet into a pantry, and we painted an accent wall!

You start out by filling the wine bottle with super hot water

Then work on peeling it off

Sticks right to the board!

We'll put a layer of modge podge over it when we're done

New shelves in the coat closet

Now our pantry!

Before (with the green options)

We are so not painters

Put it looks so pretty now!  I love color pops!

Susan and Bobby invited us over for a swim and to meet their new baby!

Poor Brogan has itchies.  Stevie looking precious in the background

The new baby!  Mr. Pecker

Friends for a long damn time

Very proud of her orchid - as she should be!

As per Rennie tradition - Susan whipped up a tri tip that had been marinating for 24 hours

I'll always post the food of the month:

Pat cooked the perfect bone in rib eye

Gorgonzola Compound Butter on top there.  So damn good!!!

Braised Short Rib with chimichurri, shishito peppers and cilantro rice!

Chicken Parmesan Meatballs

Had a lovely lunch with Imelda one afternoon and sushi is just so pretty!

Pat made Bourbon soaked Burgers - yummy!

We have a weekly pup play date with a friend of mine from work.  Her pup Mia is Poe's girlfriend.  They've gotten longer and longer and now we have dinner as well.  I don't think to take pictures, but snapped a good one this month of one Wed cuddle puddle.


 I've joined back up with my bowling league again - Looney in Laughlin.  Tim and Libby are also on board so we're a team of 3!  Should be a fun season!

Our 1st game of the season!

Tim & I both got Turkeys (He actually got a few!)

The Striking Hornets - with Jenny our cheerleader in the background!

 Week 2.  We played like hell but had fun!

 Week 3

Headed down for our pick up wine day one Monday!  Just Pat and Poe and I and it was just lovely!

Look at my hawt hubs

Had lunch at Oak Mountain and they let us inside with Poe! So lovely.

Poe loves wine pick up days

Cori and I did a lovely hike one early Sat morning trying to beat the heat

Poe was tuckered

Chapman had a little celebration for us who finished this Cultural Essentials Series at Chapman.  I was surprised actually by how nice it was!  Had some delicious snacks, wine and the prez came and said a few words!

One Saturday I got my Adventure Group out to Muzeo for the Victorian Mourning Exhibit and The Squeaky Toys of Edward Mobley.  Followed by a yummy lunch at Craft by Smoke and Fire.

Shrimp Tacos with Mango Salsa!  Yummy!

Creep Marionette in the Historical Anaheim area



Our group for the day!

I've always been fascinated by the Victorian Mourning Fashion...all the way down to the jewelry!

So proud of Amber! She's selling her wares at the Museum!

Then one busy Sunday I had brunch with two of my favorites followed by a farewell to our friend Christine whose moving out of Fullerton - she wanted an "OC Fullerton Theatre Ladies Gathering" so Terri hosted and it was lovely.

These ladies light up my life

Smore Dessert - so good and so pretty!

Ran into some of Neets friends!

Have a great adventure Christine!

The OC Fullerton Theatre Gals

Lastly, my friend Rose who is one of the most inspirational people I have ever been lucky enough to call a friend, was in town.  She's traveling all over the world and lives part time in Greece with her love.  Following her travels and adventures on the socials always brings me joy and I was thrilled we got some time together.  Pat made us one of his yummy meals that he's super proud of (and should be) and we had a wonderful evening of catching up over food and wine.  Of course Poe was in love with her.

So July has come and gone.  It felt like a long month which is nice.  Feels like it's stretching summer out a bit longer.  Although I'm sure August is going to zoom by.  Enjoying the simple things in life and trying not to let it pass me by.  Happy Summer Friends!