Sunday, December 25, 2022

Christmas Time...

We've had a hell of year - but I must say - Christmas Time was just delightful this year.  I'm not gonna lie - there was a little piece of me that was hell bent on having some Christmas Cheer after our rough year, and the fact that we moved Thanksgiving weekend last year and didn't really get to enjoy Christmas as much, and before that COVID and blah blah.  Oh PS - COVID is still here - in fact it took both Pat and I out Thanksgiving.  So that was awesome.  Thank you D for making us a care package and mom for dropping it off at our door so at least we got to eat some Thanksgiving food - but fuck that.  I'd like to never have that again.  Ugh.

But this blog is about Christmas and it was wonderful!!

We just moved yes - but we decorated anyway and it was beautiful!  We did borrow one of mom's fakey trees since this was Poe and Luna's 1st Xmas and we weren't sure how they would do with the tree - but all was well so I think next year we'll get a real one!


Pretty for a fakey!


Wasn't sure if the garland was going to make it...

Or the tree..

Lori made us this beautiful Xmas Quilt!

We have super festive neighbors!


I really wanted to send out Christmas Cards this year as well - mainly just to get our new address out there.  So I chose a really cute wedding picture and then got shots of our fur babies:

This was the winner

She wanted to eat that bell collar, but a little distraction worked!

One of my favorite traditions we do is Knott's Merry Farm with my mom.  She loves it.  I love it.  And this year it was just the two of us and we had a great time!  It's been a couple years since we've been, so it was so special to get there again!  Thank you Taylor for the tix!

My Christmas Sangria!

Love her so

If I can't get real snow I'll take the fake!

She just emits joy

I also always try to get in a watching of White Christmas.  One of my favorites!

Now this part isn't really Xmas...but mom registered us all for this to do a fun family thing around Xmas.  It was an Alice in Wonderland Adventure.  It was all via app - and you basically just ran around this spot in Irvine trying to finish the game.  We all wore Alice in Wonderland T-Shirts and had fun day!

The King of Hearts

We begin

It was all via the app

Basically our day

The Mad McCoys!

Had some good social visits!

Cesar was in town!!!

Our annual Girls Xmas Brunch

Chapman Work Fun

Got to escape for a fun photo!

Got me a Xmas Pedi!


The Sieveke's were also here to visit but I just got a pic of Teddy!

Julie and I are starting an annual tradition of hitting up the Winter Sawdust Festival!

We love our bubbly

Best Xmas Tree Topper Eva!

More fake snow!

We paid a visit to our loved ones lost

Miss you so much Papa & Gramma

On Christmas Eve-Eve we had the kid.  Kiddo stayed the night so we had a Christmas Eve Christmas morning

Christmas lights on Pine Street!

My kinda morning

Poe liked his stocking stuffer

So did Luna

Did I say how much I love our neighbors?  Someone just set this up in our complex!

On Christmas Eve was a lovely dinner at Dad/Lori's.  5 dogs.  It was mayhem but joyful mayhem.

Dad won round 1 of "Left, Center, Right..."

I won round 2!!

This pot is Lori's Italian Great Grandmothers!!  Jon made his yummy mashed potatoes in it

My brother the dog whiperer

Baked ALOT and made some fun little gifts!

I also made a pumpkin pie like sheet pan thing and it was yummy!!!

How cute for my team mates right?!

And last but def not least we had a wonderful Christmas day at my magical moms as usual!  

Mom's Christmas Cactus in full bloom

Matchy Matchy!

Christmas games

Salt loves gramma

Home to relax and the kids loving on their new toys!

It really was a wonderful Christmas time.  I baked so much, one fail, but the rest great.  We spent time with all of our family.  Had fun times with friends.  Decorated and made our house very cozy Christmas-y!  I will always love the magic of Christmas! 

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great memories!!