Sunday, March 28, 2021

I may be a Geocacher forever...

 I love it so much.

As you've read before if you're actually following my antics - there's a new thing called an Adventure Lab.  It's another part to geocaching!  Basically takes you on a little adventure hunt around somewhere giving you bits of history and what not.  We did our 1st one in Julian, CA and decided to do the one in the Orange Circle yesterday!

There were 4 stops, each with a bit of history.  It was super easy to navigate around because of course I'm familiar with the area.  After the 5 stops - you have to figure out these equations with hints from each stop to get the coordinates for the final cache.  It took us a bit to figure it out, but finally Pat was like "Wait...what are all those Oranges?!?!" and problem solved.  Hand the paper over to math boy and we got it!

Took us a min...

Why are there Oranges in all of them?


Needed to be a part of the puzzle solving

After finding the final cache!

Yup....friggin math!!!


So Pat and I headed out across the street to try again for that cache that some person was journaling on last time we were there.  Luckily no peeps looking for inspiration so I was able to find it!  Yay!  They told us to write down the number for a "bonus" cache...not sure what that means but I plan to email the guy and find out!

Such pretty views!


Left a Unicorn

What is this number for?????

On my Birthday I did a little geocaching.  I posted it in my B-day Blog but here it is!  A Dana Point Harbor find!

Happy Birthday Cache

One Saturday morning when we usually would hike it had rained, so we opted to walk down Nohl Ranch Road.  It's a good size hill and there's a little park at the bottom that has a couple of caches.  One I don't think is there anymore, but we found one that hadn't been found since March of 2019!!  It was a scramble up a muddy hill but we got it!

Pat hiked over to it 1st and found it!

Pretty little park!

So one day I tried to get us out of the house for another Adventure Lab.  It was a bit chilly so we decided to do the ARTIC one!  This is the one by the really cool Train Station across from Honda Center.  I was hoping to do stuff inside, but it was actually all around the outside of the building.  It wasn't as interesting as the last couple, and the kid wasn't into it at all, so I just got one picture of them counting the bike stalls for one of the puzzles.

I liked the Angels "A" in the background!

There was a geocache to hunt for later across the street but we could not find it.  Since the kid was over it we headed out, but I did send the CO a request for a hint!  He told me to Google William Painter.  Dude invented the bottlecap!!  I know what to look for now!  So the next day I went back by myself and found it!  Woohoo!

I know what that is!!!

BOOM!  Sad face into a smiley face!

One weekend we decided to hit up Yorba Regional Park again.  Pat & I went New Year's Day and did some caching, but there were a few we didn't get.  So grabbed the kid and the dog and had some fun!

Look at that yellow belly!

So there's apparently a cache out in the middle of the lake.  I want to take one of these swans and find it....

Hi friends!

Found it!

Little obvi...

Now I'd heard of a S.P.O.R. (Suspicious Pile of Rocks) but this is a S.P.O.P.!

Hit up another Adventure Lab today.  Great Park in Irvine!  It was a bit on the hot side, and unfortunately super crowded so sadly I only got to log sad faces.  The bonus cache after the Adventure Lab had too many people - which were totally staring at us by the way.  WTF!!!  Then we tried to find another one, and again - damn Muggles just staring at us!  I'm like LOOK AWAY!!


Then we looked for a third one and it was blocked off for construction.  

So sadly the cache part of the day was a bust.  But the Adventure Lab was fun and it is always nice to get out!

Pat figuring out the puzzle at the end.  He's the whiz so I always let him do it!

Never realized there's a timeline on the ground!

Great Park Adventure Lab!

Stop 3

Stop 2

Stop 1

So - just geocaching the days away!!

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