Monday, July 6, 2020

Lake Gregory during COVID...

So if you recall last year, Pat's best friends and their family go to Lake Gregory every 4th of July weekend.  I joined for the 1st time last year - Lake Gregory 2019.

This year was a bit different - obvi - we're in the middle of what seems to be a never-ending pandemic.  It was supposed to slow down in the summer right?  Things were supposed to be opening back up again right?  No.  We've just been continuously getting worse and worse and worse.  We've even back peddled a bit and some things have shut back down.

I was going back and forth about going.  I mean, Pat and kiddo were in so I guess it really didn't matter if I went or not.  But should we?  Shouldn't we?  Is it wrong to go on a vacation? ANXIETY!  Well, unfortunately/fortunatly some of the other folks backed out.  It was now going to just be the best friends family and us.  That's it.  That's only 2 households coming together.  We've both been as safe as we can.  Being cautious.  Wearing masks.  Doing what we're supposed to do.  So after a lot of debating (Mostly on my part) we went.  We needed it.

All usual Lake Gregory festivities of course were cancelled.  As bad as I felt that not everyone couldn't make it, I think it ended up working out better.  Safer.  More chill.  It's a weird time to vacay but if you can do it safely - do it.  We needed it.  It was very different from last year.  Nothing really to do.  Way more chill.  Which is good when you're in the middle of a friggin virus from hell.  All we did was basically just hole up in the cabin eating, drinking, playing games, geocaching, walking and hiking.  Of course - MASK UP! Our new catch phrase in 2020 whenever we needed to.

So - as crappy as times are right now.  As much anxiety as I seem to be battling right now.  As kinda weird but cool but a bit stressful but fun but pretty but I really can't wait to get back to normal life again - It was a nice weekend away.  And of course  - no fireworks.  Quiet as a tomb for my least favorite holiday.  We did it safely.  We did it right.  We just got away for a few days.

I really hope by this time next year I'll be posting a vacay blog where COVID-19 is a thing of the past.

Lost a few trees from last year...but a nicer view!

Bird Watching or trying to figure out weird sights

My Day 1 Geocaching Crew!

We found 3

There's a cache in there...

My kind of 4th of July....quiet

This was my favorite time.  Starting the morning on the deck with a cup of coffee and the pretty view of the lake

Geocaching Crew Day 2

So pretty

2 Households...Both alike in dignity

My friend some mornings

Dusk is always gorgeous

We did a 4th of July hike to Heart Rock

Heart Rock!

So pretty!

Be Candid....

I'll catch you.  Actually did at one point...

She was a good girl!!

Went fishing one day

Sometimes you gotta quarantine outside

Geocaching Crew Day 3

Pat gets credit for this one

Trying to be inconspicuous

Such a lady

Mama loves her


Elise and I did a last min evening Geocache Run

We found two!

Pool Time (I like cabins that have pool tables...)

Puzzle time

Well friends!
Stay Safe!
If you can find away to safely get away I highly recommend it.

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