Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Lights at Mission Inn...

I had seen an article in Westways magainze about this place called Mission Inn in Downtown Riverside that was supposed to be a pretty awesome place to see at Christmas.  They had something called Festival of Lights.

Mom and I decided to head down around 2pm on a Sunday.  The place was packed.  I had also brought my brand spankin new fancy camera that I'm trying to learn out how to use as you'll see in the pictures below.

My very 1st picture on the new camera:

We hit an adorable little shop first where we made quite a few purchases and discussed definitely coming back when it's not the holidays to check out the local shops.  It seems like a fun little area!

We wandered into the Inn and around the area getting excited as to what it was going to look like with all the lights!

We then tried to find a place to eat.  This is where we learned our 1st hard lesson.  We either should have made reservations somewhere or eaten earlier.  Everything was over an hour wait.   After trying multiple places that were hard to find in the 1st place due to not knowing the area, and myself getting to be quite hangry, a lovely hostess suggested ProAbition.  A little bar/restaurant across the way.  It was perfect!  We sat out on the patio and were able to see all the hub bub around us.  I promptly ordered an Irony Pinot Noir because the title was perfect for what we had gone through so far.  As we waited for our food and the sun started to set the carriages started to appear!

I had read about the horse drawn carriages and there were so many different kinds!  So very cool!  Mom and I both ordered burgers - they came on preztel buns!  Yummy!  I started trying to futz with my low light on my camera and shot my beautiful mom!

We inhaled our dinner, split a giant chocolate tower dessert and I downed a 2nd glass of wine and the lights sprung on around us.

I had our waiter take a picture with my phone for Instagram.

The bummer portion of the evening happened when we walked back over to the Inn and realized there was a huge line to get in.  Um.  Ok.  We were literally just in there an hour ago but I guess with the lights it changes things.  So we got in line.

While we were waiting the trio in front of us ended up being a gal who knew my dad.  Her ex hubs was a fireman.  Go figure!  She gave mom and I each a gingerbread cookie and we all chatted.  While we were still waiting I ran off and took a few shots.

45 minutes later our turn arrived to walk into the Inn.  These were the 1st pictures I took:

We then were led away from the really cool light display that we were all there to see and told we couldn't go that way.  What?!  People were furious!  I approached a gal and asked WTF and she basically told me due to the Fire Marshall.  Well they should tell the people out there in line that are now probably waiting a lot longer than we did that they only get to walk through and look at the pics above and the Xmas tree in the lobby.  I mean it was pretty but not worth waiting 45 minutes to see!  Although look how cute mom and I are in front of it.

So out the door we were led.  Mom and I were super disappointed and now the place was uber packed so still determined to see what we could we darted across the street to get a larger view.  So pretty!

Then one of my favorite pictures of the night because I sort of learned how to use the Panoramic feature:

We then darted back across the street when we realized you could walk sort of in front of the lights we wanted to see.  So here's a couple shots I took from afar.

Pretty cool right?  Too bad we couldn't go into see them!  Grumble.

We then headed over to another part that had some fun vendors I wanted mom to check out.  That's where I found a Skeleanimals Santa Hat!!  Color me thrilled!

They also had a nifty looking tree.

We made a few purchases and headed out.

Mom and I of course had a wonderful time but we did learn a few lessons.  Eat early and make reservations.  In fact - make reservations inside where the lights are and then you'll at least already be in there.  Get there early.  Even earlier than we did.  It's an adorable place so you can walk around and shop before the madness happens.  Come with patience.  You'll need it.

It is a fun little adventure though.  They have the carriages, lights, Santa, Reindeer, an Ice Skating Rink, a band an lots of vendors!

The place was really pretty and I'd love to go again with our learned lessons! 

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