Sunday, May 10, 2009

The true Dr. Doolittle...

I love animals. I truly do.
But Oppossums. Not a huge fan. But they're everywhere, we all know this. You run across them, they hiss at you, they resemble something that would remind me of a pet Satan would own. Last week my mother opened the drawer of our extremly old refridgerator and screamed. I was in the back of the house and I came running out to see what the fuss was. "There's a opposum in there!!! Get it!". Get it. Right. Please mother. My mom's groomer apparently was who to call, she came over - the roomie and I and Dr. Doolittle searched high and low and couldnt find the fucker. Whatever. We moved on.
So this evening - yup about 10 minutes ago - ergo this blog because what I witnessed was hysterical. I'm outside enjoying an evening cig and I hear something moving around in the drawer. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Mom calls Dr. Doolittle (my new name for her mind you...) She's here in 5 minutes. The search begins. Mom and her and searching high and low again, I'm watching safely from the living room window inside the house. "There it is! Oh there's 2". Ew. I watch as this woman plucks these 2 little baby opposums from behind the fridge. She then proceeds to hold them too her chest, cooing them and talking to them like they're 2 little kittens. I'm watching in utter discusted amazement, yet at the same time do have an odd respect for this woman to show such affection for these ugly little creatures. She's chatting with my mom about the history of these little guys while holding them to her chest. My mom is trying to hide her creeped out factor by smiling an nodding. She inspects them closer to find out its a boy and a girl. "Oh how sweet!" she squeals. Ugh. She puts them in the carrier she brought over and continues to chat with mom. I venture out now that they are safe in the carrier. She pulls one out again to examine it. I return inside. As she's chatting with mom now inside, with the little creatures in the carrier IN OUR HOUSE. I shoo my girls into the room to keep them away. After she leaves I scrubbed the floor with clorox. Yes they were in a carrier, but ew.
As much as this incident was somewhat disturbing, I do believe that I have met the true Dr. Doolittle. *shivers*

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