Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bella and others...

Tell me she's not perfect!

I'm also constantly amazed when dear friends of mine bring another person into this world. I've only had a handful of close friends have kids, but its always a trip. I really do think I lack that "Maternal Instinct" or "Biological Clock". I've never had that urge for children. For a long time was dead set against ever having kids. I will say I'm not dead set against anymore, but lets just say its really not in my plans. I really dont see kids in my future. BUT - I loooooooooooove being an Auntie!

My 1st experience was Robin. We were VERY young when she had a bit of a surprise. Lets just say I almost crashed my truck into a tree killing us both when she told me. I then got the call at 1am one morning after not sleeping for about 3 days (At the time I was working, going to school and in tech week) from her dad saying "COME TO THE HOSPITAL!". I did a few shots of expresso and was out the door. I was there all night with her. Visiting, dozing, etc. When the time came for delivery - me and her sister stood outside the door with our ears pressed up against it and listened to my godson being brought into the world. I cried when I met him.

Next came Cori. It was a hard process, but she finally was able to bring little Logan into the world. I popped in the hospital that night to check in, and the next morning met the precious little bundle. I never hold newborns as I'm terrified I will drop them, but daddy insisted - sitting me in a chair and placing him into my arms. Lets just say I looked like a comic routine trying to hold this little one whilst complely freaking out.

3rd was my best friend in the whole world - Libby. When I walked into the room and saw little Haley I cried again. She was perfect. I wouldnt hold her, but I reached into the little container she was in and she grasped onto my finger and looked me right in the eye. I made a ridiculous face and she smiled. I almost died right there. Libby laughed and said "She knows your voice". She is to this day one of the most beautiful little girls. And best of all - she adores me! She's always so happy to see me. Libby says she kisses my photo sometimes. It makes me so warm and fuzzy inside.

Now we have Bella. My amazing friend Jenn had this perfect little girl yesterday morning. Mom and I threw a perfect high noon tea party baby shower for her a few weeks ago. Everytime I'd see Jenn I'd kiss her tummy and say hello to Bella. Yesterday when T and I walked into the room to a BEAMING papa holding his precious little girl I was overcome. There she is. There's our little Bella. Headful of hair, and the cutest little upper lip. When we saw Jenn she looked beautiful. What is it with my girlfriends and looking fabulous after having a kid! All of em! Robin, Cori, Libby and now Jenn - radiant. I'm sorry - I will not look that way if I ever went thru that! :) Anywhoo - Jenn shared a moment with T and I and I teared up again. I'm becoming such a fucking sentimental sap as I get older!

Another very close friend whom I love dearly is due in August and I cant wait to meet him as well. (Punk baby shower in planning) Its really a trip when your watching your close friends around you form families. Some of these people I grew up with, played with as a child, went thru hell with, etc. And here they are - bringing a new life into the world that will be going through the same things we all did as we grew up. I have friends I"ve met a bit later in life who already have kids and its also a trip. Miss Wombat has 2 darling little twin boys whom I think are the cutest. I love looking at little ones and seeing miniture versions of thier folks. I dont know what the world is going to be like when these little ones grow up, these kids, babies, the next generation that our generation has brought into the world. What a fucking trip.

I have the utmost respect for you parents out there. I cant even begin to imagine what its like - in the meantime - I'm just goin to spoil the shit out of all my little ones!

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